I like your post but not the approach. All of us think that we write quality posts and so i think using the tag will put stress on the curator, will it not?dear @rondras,
let us think of ourselves as a large decentralized company with at least 30% of our employees as editors/curators who will curate a few articles every day. again if there is consensus then and only then the article should be tagged with #qualitypost. Curators must be interviewed before "hiring" them and the number of curators must be adapted to load in the system.
All decisions are transparent and hence is more trust worthy
Hi adarshh, thank you for your reply. Of course this would be stress for the curators if it becomes a lot of posts. But still it is much better than filtering it our from the whole number of posts. And the average quality for this tag would be better than elsewhere as people would be scared (and they should be) to use it for bad quality posts as others are encouraged to flag these posts.