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RE: Sugarsteem Home Page 4.0 updated!

in #steemit7 years ago

Its clean, good looking project. I think the icons are just a bit too big, it should look better if u could size them down slightly. Maybe also make them outlines only? I like light websites, so maybe thats why im saying that, but you can try. :)


That’s a good catch. They were rough quickly put in. But agreed. I need to find a good set of icons. Just not a fan of google material and most icon libraries i find don’t have the diversity

I always find what im looking for on Flaticon or Freepik. Also you can check icon-fonts like FontAwesome , or LinearIcons.
Im sure you know that, but if u dont, look for something there. :D

I was using default google material but don’t like them, i think i ended up using thenounproject bc they were free but not uniform which sucks. Does font awesome or linear icons have a huge library of choices?
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