In the article this time I will be carrying very big news and of course the news is happy news for the users of steemit in different parts of the world.Thanks to those of you who have read each article and give Upvote on steemit @agus-maulana, as well as providing advice and input.
Why do I dare say that this is the happy news?
The first ...
Steemit is still in beta, of course with this sense there will be further development of the CEO and of course every development certainly has its advantages and disadvantages, perhaps the moment one Upvote produces small but for a dollar future may just be big. Maybe some know that used to be the price is very cheap, BTC but when its users more and more and permitaan the market is getting bigger and now BTC is very expensive and highly valued than gold and this definitely applies to steemit as well.
Second ...
From the survey results that I got some today, users of steemit until this year is still a little bit. I get these results from two sample social media i.e. facebook and google plus.
Current users of steemit is still a bit because of the two social media who always support the various communities there are only a few active community and certainly with a member that is a little different, with a community like blooger, youtube and others. Summary of the results that I got steemit community on facebook no more than 6000 people and in google plus no more than 1000 people from all over the world.
While in the year 2016 total world population 7.442 billion and up to the year 2017 increased to 7.700 billion more people. It is the produce of the user steemit got larger opportunities.
From the results it can be concluded that both opportunities in rake in dollars is enormous, especially with the perarturan that is in the steemit yet tight, still a great opportunity to get the dollar higher.
So what do you think??
Whether you will still continue to use steemit so on or you will just use it in the meantime. Maybe you should continue to use it, with regulations in steemit that have not been strictly chance scooped up dollar very-very big.