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RE: Steemians...I have questions for you

in #steemit6 years ago

I think, that all the topics are valuable in Steemit. The important thing is to look for the difference, with relevant contents that contribute some value to the users who read.


@ahaaiah at the end of the day, it comes down to giving value through each post, it would be great to streamline things a little hence my OP. There's always someone getting value from whatever post is out there.
Thanks for stopping by @ahaaiah


Disculpa la respuesta tardía. Comparto tu comentario y estimo sigas haciendo publicaciones de valor y que nos permitan expresar nuestros puntos de vista. Exitos

Sorry for the late response. I share your comment and I estimate you continue making valuable publications and that allow us to express our points of view. Successes