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RE: Steemit Profile / My Blog Page Redesign Part I - Logged In: Viewing Yourself

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi, @theuxyeti. This is the comment I entered into the challenge:

As a visually impaired user, I can't actually see what the UI redesign looks like, but from the text on the post and everyone's comments, it sounds awesome! Though I have joined Steemit just a month ago, some of the features you propose have been on my wishlist since my first week here, like favoriting tags and posts, notifications, and having the voting power and recharge time shown. I've always found it strange that Steemit doesn't show our voting power and the time remaining to recharge, as these are so important features. And I really like the idea of a slider that controls the voting weight according to price!

Most interestingly, though, is that you aren't just pointing out the problems (it's easy for anyone to say, "I want this, I miss that."), but you are hearing people's voices, proposing solutions and even showing what they would look like (which requires a lot of skill!). It would be great to have these solutions implemented. Isn't there a more sure-fire way to make these proposals reach the devs other than by mentioning their usernames? GitHub issues? Utopian, maybe?


Personally UPVOTED this COMMENT! --- wow!

I must say you have said a lot here. let me get started.
• I try to build simple user interfaces for all types of users and when i build them accessibility tends to be one of the driving factors. when i worked at facebook, tinder, disney for example those places want accessibility at the top for users. Visual impairments, voice recognition, colors, legibility, retina tested text, all of it becomes a factor. I would be happy to email you the design work Much larger if that would help you happy to do so. [email protected]

As for feature sets and providing a solution for them, thats what i do for my career everyday, except here its become a mission and a statement of my identity here. Both @aggroed, @themarkymark, @fredrikaa @patrice all people that have provided mentorship and growth to me on this platform and encouragement to do this series and find a footprint here. so here i am lol

lastly... I have reached out in the early 1,2,3 parts of this series to the main guys at and never received an educated response other than the typical political response, "we will check it out" or "great were not working there yet" washed out responses... from the walking dead lol.. anyway I have taken it upon myself to spearhead a UI and have it in production personally funded and will have it ready in 90 days. So it will be there.

Thanks for the comment. Great to see that I am making an impact here. Please follow me and the future series posts. Id love additional criticism from you as well to help shape this UI for my build phase

You reached out to the devs and only got generic responses? That's discouraging... :( ah well. Hoping you manage to implement it, and maybe they'll reconsider if you send a pull request with the work already done.

Very nice to know you design your UIs with accessibility in mind from the start! Though my vision is so low that I have to rely on a screen reader software to read the text aloud for me, so an amplified mockup image wouldn't do. I would need something like a navigable HTML page. I guess I'll just wait until you reach the implementing stage.