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RE: Steemit Needs Staff Deleting Spam? (mughat) (Should option exist to auto-mute accounts that reached a spam limit?)

in #steemit8 years ago

Everyone in steemit acts as "staff" or "moderators", everyone chooses what to upvote/downvote. That's one of its beauties. There is no central authority choosing what content should be viewed or not, everyone in the ecosystem participates on that activity.


yeeeeah.... I get that.

Do you get what will happen when they have 15-20 accounts spamming the same thing? I see at least 2 accounts doing that. Will we really be subjected to flagging as 3/4ths of our daily activity? What happens when it hits 5,000 spammers?

I don't think flagging is gonna cut it. No offense.