i just remember this when i think i want to share this tips
whwn you make web with html work, somtime you need this tips, just put this "target=_blank "
example: blablabla.com
this is the way to make that example link url to be open in new table..
thank for read my blog on steemit
simple think but powerfull to design html web
I just tried this and for whatever reason it doesn't seem to be working on my post... perhaps it's a specific browser setting on my computer....
this is just html code, maybe .. thanks for visiting here bro...
I know, it's pretty simple HTML, but for whatever reason it doesn't seem to be working. I'll try on a different PC. Thanks for the post.
you are welcome bro.. this is maybe helpfull to you https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H83.html