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RE: Can we stop rewarding people for half truths and whole lies?

in #steemit9 years ago

The very first thing I would like to assure you of is that I am not your enemy, and do not view you as such. I will, however, now write some things that hopefully make you really, really angry.

Your argument is broken in several pieces, your whole approach is useless.

One huge problem is that you take the most fringe claim, pretend that is what all, even the expert, activists state and then continue to destruct it for its obvious nonsense. It is formally called the "strawman fallacy". You set up a strawman and then knock it down to declare yourself the winner, but that is not how it works, you must pass the Ideological Turing Test and attack the strongest possible interpretation of the argument of those who you disagree with.

The other is you shifted the goalposts. First you flat-out state chemtrails don't exist, then you must backpedal and admit that it is true that chemicals are being dispersed into the atmosphere quite regularly, but counter with the unbacked a priori assumption that these must be completely benevolent and harmless. That is intellectually dishonest.

You are leading the whole debate ad absurdum by twisting the words of your opponent. I clearly said "cold hard facts", not "some guy's blog has a story about how he met someone that said something one time". That's really, really poor style, ecto.

And yes, I proof-read myself and I stand by it: what the facts are, what the truth is, cannot and will not be overturned by the consensus opinion of a million experts. And I sincerely hope that Steemit will be a place to bring some of these truths and facts to light.

And finally, your insults and abuse are not fit to convince anyone of your cause. I understand you want to save lives, because conspiracy theories are potentially dangerous. If you would take the issue seriously though, you would actually shut your mouth and listen when a learned, rational, intelligent, patient and friendly "conspiracy theorist" offers to spend his free time to clear up some misunderstandings and misconceptions you are having. Instead of trying to save my life, you are insulting me, driving me away, and reinforce my belief set. You are hurting your cause. STOP IT. NOW. Unless you are a cynical asshole that gets off on making people kill their children by not giving them all those healthy vaccinations -- then absolutely continue what you are doing. applause.gif

Because once you start getting into that "everything the government says is a lie" mindset, it spirals.

Yeah, we don't call it the "rabbit hole" for nothing, you know ;)

How long until our first 5k holocaust denial post?

What are you going to do about it? Write an angry post to complain about it? ò,Ó

Or educate people with cold, hard facts, thorough research, and reasonable arguments and eventually beat it with a 6M post?