Oh, that is true without doubt. Manual labourer do not have it as easy as investors to "diversify", to find a new source of income at a whim or to bring an entire industry to its knees.
In the truest sense of the word it is true that investing is an option that offers more potential:
> potential (adj.), late 14c., "possible" (as opposed to actual), from Old French potenciel and directly from Late Latin potentialis "potential," from Latin potentia "power, might, force;" figuratively "political power, authority, influence," from potens "powerful" (see potent).
> potent (adj.) early 15c., from Latin potentem (nominative potens) "powerful," present participle of *potere "be powerful," from potis "powerful, able, capable; possible;" of persons, "better, preferable; chief, principal; strongest, foremost," from PIE root *poti- "powerful; lord"
Just as in real life, Steemit.com investors will be more powerful, i.e. have greater potential, than the "labourers" providing the "commodities" the investors "invest" in.