Well, I'm certainly going to attempt to carve out my little niche here... and perhaps use the additional "tool" that if you buy something with cryptos, it's actually cheaper than with fiat... thereby upping the incentive.
I don't much care for Amazon, precisely because they use various types of "entrapment" to build their sales. You experience is definitely not unique. As an occasional seller through Amazon handmade, I am also not that impressed... because I am not willing to offer "will ship it YESTERDAY, for FREE" options... I lose visibility. Sorry, if I'm expected to offer free overnight shipping, I might as well flush $20 bills down the toilet.
The other thing that troubles me with places like eBay is their "creeping" return policy. It used to be "a week," then "two weeks," then "a month," and now they are pushing for a "two month" return policy as "standard."
WTF? Why don't we just FORGET about selling things, and instead call it "rent a product for as long as you feel like it, for free, with free shipping!" instead?