Why I'm Not Taking Steemit Seriously Anymore.

in #steemit7 years ago

One thing on Steemit that bewilders me is the fact that a post can make so much for something so little, and it is very discouraging.

Here is one example of a stupid post making a lot of money:

Screenshot from 2017-09-23 07:12:13.png

Screenshot from 2017-09-23 07:12:18.png

All the @greatcornholio put was a dumb 2 minute video of beavis and butthead and got over 60 dollars. Nothing wrong with what he did, it's just very discouraging for many. I understand that you shouldn't focus on how much your post makes, but if you are putting in over half and hour to and hour on your post or more and get a few pennies, it makes you wonder. Especially when you see someone barely put any effort into their post and gain more momentum on this platform.

So, that is really that fact of why i'm not going to be taking steemit seriously anymore. Why should I spend time and dedication for a post that will barely get noticed by my audience and have an actual effect when all people are voting on is beavis and butthead videos. Honestly, it is kind of funny, but still, I don't think it's right for someone to spend over an hour on their post and barely get their post to have any views, comments, and earnings when someone just posts a video of beavis and butthead and nothing else and makes 60 bucks. Something is not right with that picture.

That is really just my opinion, I still love steemit, but i'm not going to be continuously posting every time window I get because I have responsibilities, especially now that I am back at school and I have less time to do spare things. But yes, I will still post on here on a regular basis. And to be honest, I'm not really on steemit for the money, because I barely make any, I'm on here to share thoughts, opinions, and adventures. And of course earnings and growth is a bonus.


Thanks for reading my post, and my thanks go out to all of my supporters and followers, you mean a lot to me. Stay positive.

-I have hope for my life,family, and friends thanks to steemit-1 (1).png


I've been reading a lot of posts lately on the topic of "quality content" which many of us feel is the better way to go. This is one reason that I've waited before starting my own posts here- to really get to know the "culture(s)" and find out what people want to engage with. With all that said, I look back on what I learned before I found Steemit- from countless hours of blog niche research (another form of procrastination) and you know what? Pretty much anything goes if you have an audience (and you are respectful, of course). If you value adult conversation, life lessons, shared revelations and gut wrenching hardships then that is what will be worth writing about until you thrive. Think about your job, or your last job. There was someone who did less than you who was valued and praised. Good chance they may have even "thrown you under the bus" while you did thankless work that others let pile up- because it needed to be done. So which is worse? By the way (re: color photo above) Nice shorts! lol

I'm so close to the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" point.

Yes!!! Me too.


Hey @alex-icey

I totally agree with you.

I've seen many such posts which worth 0 dollars. I have posted many blog posts but I've earned more from low quality content than quality content.

It makes me think about Steemit.

I think we should focus building our own blog and use Steemit to syndicate our content and get traffic while earning.

I am with you @asoloperneur that is a good conclusion.

Actually not a bad idea. There was a point in time when I first started on Steemit and was thinking of shutting down my blog... that would have been a big mistake. Since joining Steemint (and not making any money), my blog has been doing much better! Go figure. I'm still sitting here on the fence hoping someone will notice the content I spend hours on!

Just have fun with it. I think the outcome will come into alignment with your attitude.

It's an unfair world. Do you think all the richest 0.01% of the people out there did more to deserve their money than the other 99.99%? Did they work harder or add more value to the world?

A few, certainly? But most? Who knows? All of them - certainly not.

It sounds like you've got the right attitude. Keep doing what you love and improving yourself and the rewards will come. Crap rises to the top sometimes but so does cream.

It is incredibly hard to know what kind of post will take off. Stay focused on the stuff you like and people will share your passion.

Im actually thinking of building a downvote robot to punish people making money from rubbish and spam

I myself have thought about creating a downvote bid bot. An "opposite side of the coin" to things like randowhale and all the others. It would simply flag a url sent to it instead of upvoting it. 😂😂😂

I would stand behind that. I just wrote a post yesterday about how bad bots and spam are destroying Steemit (and got hardly NO traffic. Go for it!

It is not about the numbers of eyeballs you get but the number of people you can get to automatically upvote your posts. Those who upvote post may not read those post. Those with a large following are usually the early birds to Steemit.

that's how free market works alex

Unfortunately, it does. I've put hours of work into a few of my posts, and it gets little attention. Some people are just lucky.

There several "communities" here on steemit. The first group are the initial producers of steemit. This group has a great deal of wealth tied to steemit and need a way to transfer that wealth out of steemit and into their pockets. These are the people who need to promote steemit as a way to make money. The second crowd is here for the MONEY. Two of the easiest ways to make money is one resteem service. The second way is to have a group that agrees to upvote regardless of content. I think that these folks are the people you are referring to in this post. The third community are those of us who post content for the sake of the content to share knowledge and experiences. The fact that there may be some reward to that is secondary. Although I must confess it is a little discouraging to work hard on content and receive little for it. I post every weekday a blog that perhaps only two or three people actually read. For what it is worth I do read your posts and upvote. Steem on and by the way your school work should come first. Perhaps you might want to write about that a day in the life of Alex at school in California? Am I remembering that correctly? Any way keep calm and chive on!

For what it is worth @handofzara, you do write to a specific niche which will have a very limited audience. I too work hard in my writing and at this point if I earn anything, I look at it like a bonus. I have a blog that does much better... with the motto "One Day at a Time!" Maybe Alex should take your advice and do the "School - One Day at a Time" format!

You are absolutely correct about my niche audience. The truth of the matter is that I write more for myself, to keep myself honest in what I do, a personal log for my trading that I share. Anything that is gained from steemit is as you say a "bonus", the real value to me at least is to so that "to thine own self be true." I think Alex is a great young writer, with much to share. By the number of views and comments, clearly he has insight, and a real finger on the pulse of this community.

I feel your pain man. I actually write thought provoking and politically incorrect posts. Granted I just started but I know there is an audience for my type of content. Anyway I'm like you, it's not about the money. But I do understand that there is a principle. Anyway keep writing! Your time may come sooner than you think.

I totally get the frustration but I have been reading everywhere that steemit isn't a get rich quick..... Focus on building yourself here first, you will be noticed.

People supported his/her stuff, it shouldn't bother you too much.

it dont...but it is just amazing what gets noticed

Such is life right? what can we do?

we be successful thats what we do

Or maybe schmoozing is a more correct term!

Yep, I have to agree. There doesn't seem to be enough incentive to push original content over self-serving behavior.

For me personally, it isn't about the $$ but about interactions and discussions about various topics. One can hope.

I will continue to post what I think is interesting and informative content. There are many, like you, that do the same. I get your frustration but maybe as everything settles others will want to support great content as well.

Short attention spans and lack of questioning the status quo can be a challenge for us all. Keep up the great work @alex-icey. Take care of yourself first and post when you want to. (I just got back from a 5-day yoga workshop, but would rather integrate what I learned first and then write about it in the next month or so.)

"I'm not really on steemit for the money, because I barely make any, I'm on here to share thoughts, opinions, and adventures. And of course earnings and growth is a bonus."
That @alex-icey is the right attitude. Work on yourself and the calibre of your posts and ignore what everyone else is doing.

Making elaborate Steemit posts has its time and place, but let's be realistic. Most people just don't have the time or attention span to go through long, elaborate posts.

Personally, I try to keep my posts, short, sweet, and to the point for this very reason. If I have something complex to say on Steemit, I certainly will, but for the most part, I'm going to do what you are doing. I'm not going to take posting on here too seriously, and any money I make on Steemit is a bonus!

When you are retired like I am, you can spend way more time on a post than really needed. Trust me! he he

Fair enough, but few people are like you and have the time to do that.

This post might have already a following, I think there are 'the great cornholio fans who maybe have responded to this post. However, I sometimes feel the same way. I have seen people getting loads of upvotes on their introductions and I got 4 and made .09 on my mine - talk about an ego crush! But maybe my introduction didn't say very much and I'm boring. But I decided that I would just write stuff that I like, and who knows. But yes, in time if no-ones reading what I write then I would probably stop writing.
Anyway, good luck in school! Maybe you could write about some of the things you learn, or your adventures there!

I have seen what you are talking about ..even complete comic books copied being resteemed and making a lot of moola... I think once you realize this just post for yourself and connect with at least 7 amazing people, like us and keep going. Lol .. pretty good conclusion. I am considering making a bottom banner.

You were reading my mind. Often good content is not rewarded or even looked at. It's very sad, poor content seems to be growing.

Im with you on this... The more I watch, the less this whole thing starts to feel like an awesome community and more like a popularity contest that pays in cash. Meh I guess we will see. I like to blog, but I am just not on that level, I guess.

I'm agreed because I also feel the same

Honestly this is an issue with the internet not just steemit.. at least IMHO.

This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the second half of Sep 23. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $14.66 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Sep 23 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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Whether it's Steemit or your own blog, don't put all your eggs in one basket. In both cases, it is also not about quality but whether your posts get noticed, so there's a huge luck factor.

The only time you should look into other people's bowl is to see whether they have enough.

It doesnt matter what else people are making. The fact that you can make money by posting should get you elated already. Who gives a rat's ass what other people make. Stay here long enough and you will see that almost everyone here respects @cornholio (in a weird sort way) because of the things he does on here other than posting. Those are the things that newer slower Steemians dont notice yet.

Now I'm not shilling for him, this comment is directed to you..

What you made on here is proportional to the time, effort, experience contributions you put on here. You can't expect to pop some posts every now and then and cash in huge money. There are literally people who's here 18 hours a day, curating stuff, engaging to people.

I recommend you read a series by @papa-pepper on why some people make so much money for apparently little efforts.

You can read the posts here.




It's always the same problem.... Truth and we'll written articles are boring to most people....they just want to see tits and ass or some funny fat guy getting hit in the nuts and falling down.

Hmm not bad guys :D

I agree with this - I learned early on that you cannot feel your writing style or abbility is being judged, it is more about who sees your post and voting for it, not if you are a good writer or not

are you threatening me? you cannot escape the great bunghole!!

Don't start posting rubbish. Rather find a community to join and get better support. I suggest writing under the steemiteducation tag. Go and check out our blog. Join us on discord and post your links in our postpromotion section. If the post is suitable we will support you. We are constantly looking for good quality posts to support with low payouts specifically and it is hard to find good original posts, together we can make steemit a better platform. Please tell your friends too and help us spread the word.

I'm back after a6 month hiatus. I realized this early on. I'm no mathematician or socialogist but I believe it's a combo of followers/following and just plain society these days. Very few bother to share real intellectual info, info they have been associated with the likes of instagram, Facebook, YouTube, snap chat. Go to the first pages. NOT EVEN LOGGED IN, what are people confronted with? As always, good ideas/ inventions take really twisted and surprising turns based on human nature.

@alex-icey i read your post and i voted and followed you. you see it took me little time to understand the way that steemit works. personally i have 230 followers and when am making a good post in stories and traveling i get some dollars. the only thing that i can give you is.... stay focus. make posts and study what your followers like. what time most of them are online. If you look that you will get a good start. dont let disappointment put you down but work work work. :)