
Unfortunately we can not control how people vote, a good content not always being noticed, not even under the best conditions.I'm sad to hear that @alexandravart!

On SteemFlower you have a better chance to be noticed (so far) but this is not guaranteed. I said so far because as it grows, the amount of posts grows with it so eventually we will end up same as on Steemit, good content get lost in the noise...

I have no idea how to solve that. Just keep writing if you enjoy it and don't worry about the upvotes or money. If you can't change something, worrying just only makes it harder to write next time.

If you are a good writer, people will notice it over time. There are users of Steem who were here from the beginning and when the Steem price was only a few cents (a year ago or so) they were just kept writing. Now they are the ones with reputation 65-70. The work and effort they have put in when it was hard, just pays itself back now.

Hold on:)

Thank fir your reply 🙂
I am not worried about the money but the visibility as I know the content is the same quality because I put a lot of efort into it, I don't post just for posting , I post to make my art known.
Sorry about the frustrated tone,but no one was replying to my questions and , I noticed it is a pattern with the votes so I must do someting wrong or it is a detail about steemfolloer that I don't know