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RE: Basic Game Theory: Why Steemit Whales Won’t Sell Past a Certain Point

in #steemit9 years ago

Imagine my surprise reading the article and then reading my name / reference for the bitcoin mining analogy... That was unexpected... :) Although it was Satoshi (proper credit :P) who calculated that it is in the best interest of the majority of the miners to not do anything silly (like abusing it, cheating with double spends etc) because the network would be undermined and thus the value of the coins mined would fall dramatically due to zero confidence in the currency.


hahaha your analogy was a good one so I wanted to give you credit for it! And agreed Satoshi and the developers here really deserve the proper credit for providing other types of incentives that work to thwart massive price fluctuations.

They do.. and they knew it would happen. But the fix is already in the system design. Time is all we need to fix it. We'll self-correct because that's how they built it. But by the time all the sellers of steem learn, those of us holding on will have already benefited. So there is no concern. Eventhough most people are concerned. That's the irony.