We are a few thousand users in total. If the number was a few millions, then interaction potential would go 1000x. And if we were a few hundred millions, it would go 10000x.
What I mean by that, is that you have to put things into proper perspective. The analogy here would be like complaining that FB in 2005-6 didn't have your old classmates. Yes, well, you first have to gain momentum and then the vacant system starts to fill up, interaction multiplies etc etc.
Something else to consider is this: If chatting goes on in "side-channels" like chatting functions, then obviously it will not occur in the comments. If I wrote these in a chat, telling you hey, this and that, then the same material that would be in a chat, wouldn't be here as visible interaction.
I understand the low user base resulting in lower interaction. I just thought that when a post receives a significant reward like $20 it looks kind of stupid by not having any comments or basic social interaction.
The idea on chating is interesting, maybe your correct because it would take away from blogs...
but there should atleast be a way to directly message a user on this site; mailbox? I would take that. Or a message board with a profile page.
Thanks for commenting. I'm fairly blown away by the interaction this post has recieved!