Throughout history self-proclaimed virtue has been the precursor to all of the unspeakable mass violence. The Catholic Church would torture and kill heretics out of their holy virtue, Hitler used virtue to "cleanse" the world of the Jews and the Communists used virtue to hundreds of millions out of their virtue for economic fairness.
Largely the human being is dominated by their persona in which they will go to any ends to defend. The persona dominated masses flock to the manufactured virtue of the times because it reinforces that image they want for themselves just as a gnat to a light.
Self-proclaimed virtue is also highly narcissistic, they identify with that virtue and use it as an excuse to be holier-than-thou to the general population who do not go around thinking about how good they are and to be holier-than-thou means projecting their persona, identity and narcissism on to you for forced acceptance. If you do not accept their false manufactured identity they lash out in fits of rage and violent meltdowns because the ideology that's attached to their narcissism (in which they narcissist have invested so much in) is being rejected.
What ends up happening is their reptilian brain becomes their dominating force due to their fear of rejection and gives then their fight or flight response and because almost all avenues of self-proclaimed virtue orbit around modern liberalism (i.e. women's rights, gay rights, equality, eliminating racism, militant veganism and many more) they form groups which makes them succumb to the crowd that's yearning for revolution and change which turns the individuals in the crowd into violent automatons that are unable to think independently. There goes the "flight"out of fight or flight.
Virtue is a practice with no destination. Not one person is virtuous but every person is capable of virtuous deeds. Also, virtue cannot be projected but only influenced. The second you make someone be virtuous is the moment you become the tyrant.