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RE: HOWTO Get Attention on STEEMIT without PISSING PEOPLE OFF! 😱

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

anything involves, especially if you want to become even half-way good at it. I'm glad this post seems to have inspired many to the "possibilities", and what can be accomplished by sticking it through.absolutely @arbitrarykitten, most people don't seem to realize how much work

And as I always like to say, the more I learn, the less I still feel I truly "know"! lol :)

And, for reference, just gonna mention again your post, that STEEMIT users should also check out...

Show me no money!

Yes, you read that right ;) What would you write about for free? What subject are you so passionate about that you can talk about it all day long and not grow tired? That, my friend, is your Steemit niche.

Your passion will show through the page to your readers. They can tell if you love the subject, they will be able to feel it when reading your work.

Link: "@arbitrarykitten on Finding and Embracing Your Steemit Voice"


Thanks hun!

There is a subsection of the population that comes here thinking it's a get rich quick scheme. They soon realize it takes dedication and patience, and that is what weeds out the true rebel hearted Steemians from the regular folk ;)