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RE: The Steemit Tragedy of The Commons

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Well @anyx, it would seem your post did not get buried overnight as you had feared. It would appear that the community rallied during the evening to support your opinions expressed in this post on the effects of voter nullification and the "Tragedy of the Commons".

The good news Sir is your post now has almost 300 Upvotes and has hit the trending page in under 12 hours! The bad news I'm afraid is, I just checked Github and there's already a push to commit the voter nullification changes to Hard Fork 14 on Github...

It would appear your post while having drawn a line in the sand, definitely made an impact on the user base and many support your side of the argument. I guess the finally call in the end (as we all knew it would) goes to @dan and @ned on this issue because it is their project after all.

I only hope they understand that in a situation like this where the topic obviously has a lot of supporters against the idea, ignoring them and green lighting the commit as it was initially proposed will only serve to further drive a wedge between the Devs and the User Base.

In the world of Crypto people are often faced with hard decisions and strong personalities. My biggest hope is that which happened to the Ethereum Foundation and their project will serve as a cautionary tale of what can happen when you divide the community in such a manner. We all saw what happened to the Ethereum community when they were forced to pick sides on how to react to an unfavorable Hard Fork thrust upon the majority in lieu of a minority vote.

They had at first preached a "Code is Law" philosophy, just as Steemit has preached a "Freedom of Speech" philosophy. Once they pushed the Hard Fork however and reneged on their own social contract, the web of trust between Users and Devs had been broken by a simple minority vote. In that event and many similar cases like it, once you ring that bell, well...

Some bells, can never be unrung.


@alifton, Actually looking at the github issue, they appear to have delayed the implementation in order to re-consider theie strategy to accomplish what they were seeking to do. And it seems @dantheman upvoted my post, so is/has read the comments here and is listening to the communities voices on these matters! :)

@anyx, I'm going to go out on a limb here and call this one a WIN for the little guys in the short term. :-)

Awesome job on bringing this to the community's attention. Had you not posted about it, I have a feeling it may have just slipped by if it had gone unnoticed until it was too late to take it back. :-)

** (High Fives All Around) **