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RE: If You Get Angry Others Are Making Money On Steemit You Need to Stahp!

in #steemit9 years ago

Exactly as stated above in this post . Jeff was far from an overnight success only because of Steemit.

Any of you who have bothered to follow his life story as it unfolded would know he has had many ups and downs through out his life. He's not just some new guy who became a Steemit Celebrity with a single post. He's been a celebrity in the crypto world for years!

There's many of us who have been following him for years and we've seen the trials and tribulations Jeff has faced to get where he is today. Haters gonna hate, but FFS give credit where credit is due!

Have any of you expatriated from your home country to travel the world, then capsized your boat only to hope and pray you'd drift to shore safely clinging to a flotation device? Having lost everything but your shorts, a surfboard and praying this was enough to find you safely back on dry land is no joke and certainly was nothing short of a miracle.

@dollarvigilante Haters gonna hate, but for those of us you know who you are and what you've done throughout your life, we very much support you and your endeavors! Keep on, crushing it brother!