Ok I don't usually get mad, but I am mad today!
I have made a video about PLAGIARISM and stealing other people's content BUT same people who commented saying they agree are DOING IT!!!
I am a FOOD Blogger! I work my ass off to create a recipe, to write it, to film it , to edit it and to take loads of pictures!! THIS TAKES LONG TIME! All the food bloggers who work hard, do the same.
Now for OTHERS to then go and STEAL YOUR WORK and pretend its YOURS really makes me mad. ASK any real food blogger how long on average it TAKES to write a RECIPE and take ORIGINAL PICTURES!
I will be calling you out if you do this! I will show you how I caught @totalgyan stealing work. Worst part about this is that he LIED! So it made me question and THEN I spoke to @demotruk about it! There is is a website you can use to search for revere images and where they come from. So any stolen work will always appear in google.
Check the conversation here:
If you are PLANNING on stealing work - YOU WILL BE FOUND - I WILL REPORT YOU and you will be taken off the platform.
Taken from here: https://www.philadelphia.co.uk/Recipes/White-Chocolate-Raspberry-Cheesecake?r=51
Good on you Alla. You should get mad! It's a big issue, and it's not something that the community should give a free pass to. I'm glad you're helping to get the word out to your followers! :)
Now to plug @steemcleaners:
If people aren't convinced this is a huge issue, consider that Alla found 1 case of plagiarism.
next to 127 others, or maybe on the @cheetah log with 338 others. This one will cozy itself next to a bunch of others on the next @steemcleaners log...
Those are logs for ONE DAY.
Plagiarism is at an all time high, and we absolutely can use all the help we can get.
If you find plagiarism, please report it in steemit.chat
in the room #steemcleaners-linkdrop. For discussion of general abuse, head to #steemitabuse. And finally if you want to talk meta about @steemcleaners itself, head to #steemcleaners-public.
And Alla is completely correct: WE PAY YOU TO REPORT ABUSE! If you upvote the @steemcleaners logs, ALL of that reward is distributed out to anyone who helps. Want a piece of that reward? Go help!
Okay, done my plug.
shamelessly upvoting myself to top comment
Thanks for your post @allasyummyfood
Fully support @cheetah and @steemcleaners. Both projects are providing a great service to the people in the SteemIt community. I will always flag articles that are plagiarized. And, any time I see a @cheetah post, I will check the link and comment about whether or not I think it is plagiarism.
"Mark it zero." - Walter Sobchak
Take it easy, Dudes!
Follow me on Twitter: @cosmo_crator
Although I think the @cheetah comment is usefull, some of the channels I followed on YouTube/Twitter/Facebook or on their own website get this notification if they post their stuff here on Steemit.
Does that mean they get on the knotty-list?
@cheetah is a bot that only notifies that the content has been found somewhere else and it always includes a link to the content.
If they're reposting their own stuff, then they own the copyright. So, nothing to worry about. But, if they've outright stolen someone else's content as this article talks about, then there's a much higher possibility that they'll get noticed, flagged, listed on the @steemcleaners report, and become liable for a DCMA violation and/or a cease and desist order from the person (or group) whose work they stole.
Thank you for that! I have had a lot of people already reporting to me all the plagiarism they saw after this post, and I'm directing them to @steemcleaners so we will be more on a look out. So hopefully we are going to be able to monitor the platform better.
Thank you for this info allasyummyfood, this was a very valuable information now I knew there is a steemcleaners that will protect copyright of the author content this is awesome! there is a ***steembot ***called cheetah also will send a message to that person who did with the same article so people will then compare who created original but this ***steemcleaners is awesome.
Seems that people carry on plagiarising and thinking they won't be called out! I just found another account thats been making money and stealing recipes! and lying about it!
That was insane that's really Identity theft, but anyway I believed those will always not succeed that is life there's always a 2 different side a A Good and A Bad stay AWESOME! we are in a good side, don't let your day ruin by this bad side use them as opportunity instead you know what I'm talking, by this you become more tougher and more smarter than you think, look because of you I learned something. Thank you.
thank you :))) well done!
yes for sure!! :) apparently he was given several notices before!
Are there any non-chat options for reporting accounts?
When you say "Go Help", do you mean report the abuse or do you mean join the steemcleaners team? If the latter, how do you do that?
One might say that you are....STEEMED about it. :) Cheers, and I agree that plagiarism is a cancer that needs to be rooted out and destroyed.
That was funny!
I flagged the f@ck too. Like you said. It is just another of hundreds of plag f@ck that steemcleaners have to deal with each day. I will get my PC back soon and then will properly crack on this dirt. Just like good old times.
hahah thats the good spirit!!
THANK YOU for posting this. I've seen some questionable things to but haven't gotten into it as deep as you. It is as important as you've made it out to be. I actually tagged @steemcleaners a couple times but never heard or saw anything back. Do they usually get back when you tag them? I'm guessing they're swamped, but regardless...you got an upvote and follower...very nicely done post
Plagiarism is rampant. Good for you for taking a stance! I will be sure to report any if I see it!
this will take you on a beautiful journey, Must see
i seen that guy around he post on everything comments
Fantastic job Alla! Way to go! I'm glad you did this and brought the account to notice. I've warned the user in the past and it fell on deaf ears! This was a good way to highlight it to the entire platform that this is unacceptable activity. Thank you for doing this! It was just disgraceful and distasteful to do this and not even own up to it!
Thank you! Yeah no problem. I appreciate your comment.
Alla, let me tell you this right now. You are one of the best content creators on this site and are certainly no where near being a b****! I commend you for standing up to this crap as it's evident you put hours of effort into your work. I honestly felt a little sick as I read through the post, it's plain disgusting and taints the reputation of this awesome platform.
Excellent job! Everyone, take note and let's stick together on this one! :)
thank you Ezzy!! means a lot to me and such kind words!! :)) we will! :)
Just followed Andy upvoted I'll make sure to report all plagiarism I see
So even a chocolate raspberry cheesecake recipe isn't safe?!
looks away to the distance and shakes his head...furrowing his brow, he rubs his eyes slowly fighting back the temptation to let a single tear escape manfully down his chiselled cheek bone...
Is nothing...sacred?
I vote for STEEMIT assassination squads. Fully armed, sanctioned by a whale to seek and destroy.
It's the only way to get rid of the scourge of plagarism.
On a more serious note, ofcourse plagiarism (once verified) sucks. It's theft.
Plagiarism is very dangerous. In Russia, because of him, very good authors have stopped writing books. Their materials simply stole other sites, and the authors did not receive rewards.
Good work @allasyummyfood. Plagiarism is rampant in Photography section as well and people are not quoting any sources as well!
BTW I just noticed he had mentioned his camera as Nikon D4300. There is no such model in the market so it's a FAKE camera as well :)
OMG!!! hahhahahaha that is brilliant!! WELL SPOTTED!!
He's ambitious lol
He's from the future!
This commentary is interesting to read. :)
Good for you. In the early days of the platform it was much easier to police this sort of thing.
It's good to see that people are still confronting those that plagiarise.
Thank you for opening our eyes to this. I will surely be on the lookout. thanks @allasyummyfood
Good job, plagiarism is plain wrong and this has to have some sort of consequence.
What do you think about reposting an old post? It could be that you think your post is under value, already past the 7 days payout and you decided to re post it.
Well, if it is your own post and you own the rights to it I don't see any reason why you can't repost it (unless it is against Steemit TOS), having duplicate content (even if your own) can hurt you in search results though. Maybe Steemit needs a bump feature that would let the same post be republished to the top for a fee or something.
In academia, that would still be self-plagiarism, so I personally wouldn't do that unless there is value added to it - maybe it is a different take on the same issue, some improvement to the initial idea presented, or something like that. Even then I wouldn't just put up the original post in quotes with an extra comment below. I would re-write and reformulate it.
And personally, I don't think considering something undervalued is a good argument for posting it again - it is a community decision, and how much you earn is what the community thinks you deserve to earn from it.
Oh, I agree with you on those points. I wouldn't repost the same thing either. I just meant I don't think there's anything legally that would stop him from publishing his own work again unless it is against Steemit ToS. If the user owns the rights then they are free to decide when/how to publish their IP.
But yeah, if you think the topic was undervalued or your article just didn't get the traction you thought, I would try to rewrite it from a different angle. Sometimes the internet is just odd though, things that you think are small go viral and things you think are going to be big never go anywhere. Such is life :).
Oh yeah. Life is unpredictable. Two days ago I was busy reading for my research, yesterday reading about bitcoins, today - I am a registered user on steemit. Gosh! =)
Indeed, only just discovered Steemit yesterday and after some googling figured that I would give it a shot and maybe get some beer money!
Yeah maybe that could work, the biggest problem that I've is that I can't go back and edit the post after 7 days.
Couldn't you resteem it?
No you can't resteem your own post.
@allasyummyfood your Strawberry Cheesecake in a Cup looked way better this his lol!!!!
You can just tell your posts are legit, and that is why we are following you:)
well of course, all the content is mine, hard work for nearly 5 years !
Keep it up!!!
Your post did just remind me to get the recipe off your page to make those delicious looking strawberry cheesecake cups for dessert tonight.
hehe do it ;)
He's posting and sharing about something you're both passionate about. Be thankful you have a medium like steem in the first place! Besides, what other platform will pay you $1,000 to complain about this? Be thankful. And if it really bothers you, you're also free to go to his post and expose him directly to his readers AND earn rewards for it! :)
I don't believe the steem protocol should have "flagging", as it discourages new, unpopular ideas and promotes censorship.
That's not the point. Post ORIGINAL content and you won't have an issue. Posting other peoples content is stealing and doesn't help the community. The community grows with NEW ORIGINAL content. If someone continues to post regurgitated content from around the internet, you will be flagged and your rep taken down by the community. That is totally fair. If you don't like it, facebook is for you.
exactly the point is - its plagiarism. and if you are not happy I agree with @mericanhomestead facebook is for you.
don't hate me I am just asking questions.@allasyummyfood no offense but I guess most of your posts are about food and recipes, have you created all your recipes from scratch?? didn't you see them made by someone else and you made something similar? isn't this plagiarism.
Well that's a good question.
edit; Maybe it's more about the photo's. But let's wait for an answer on your question.
the post is about "plagiarism" and plagiarism can be about photos and about recipes or anything, but I am not saying she can't do that I just wonder if she would have cared if the reported persondid this about something not related to food or recipes (something taht interest her and she is posting about)
no plagiarism means you take someones work - copy it and then paste it. My recipes are original and created from scratch. I took inspiration from a recipe, tested it, changed some ingredients - cooked it, took pictures of it and made it MY OWN WORK. that is the difference! I hope its clear @tarek-h
It isn't plagiarism if you put your own twist on a recipe or whatever, or if you state your sources (I.e. Give credit where credit is due). It is plagiarism if you copy someone's work word for word, or their photo, and then repost it as your own.
Plagiarism can feel like a grey area at times, but based on @allasyummyfood's description, this seems like a pretty clear case of it. ☹️
I am not saying what the guy posted isn't plagiarism
I just wonder if she would have cared if somone did plagiarism about something not related to food or recipes i.e. something that is not related to what she is posting about
I would guess that it's simply easier to spot plagiarism in topics that a person is interested in.
@mericanhomestead and @allasyummyfood I believe you spent maybe tremendous time on facebook since it was created and now you are referring to it as a worthless place. Maybe in a couple of years you will say the same about Steemit, or maybe others will do because of the rules you want to emphasize.
Congratulations. This was the first post I read on this platform. And this is my first comment. Good to know that copying content is banished here. This also answered the first question that came to my mind when I heard about the reward system. Still kind of weird to me.
hello all. this is my first comment too. I have upvoted a few because of valid points raised. that being said I hope someone is taking it all in.
I do have a few questions being new here. First I am not a content creator, but I have seen some great work done by others on the web that should be highlighted for others to see. Is there a means to do that here? Even when the content doesn't originate here? Can I put on a disclaimer and note the original work to its owner?
Thanks for any help or pointers you all can give.
You can highlight other people's work in your posts, but not copy it. Any time you reference someone else's original content, cite the source. It's not all that different than writing a paper for school, and there's nothing wrong with incorporating cited sources that support what you're blogging about. It takes a minute, but once you break the "retweet" and "share on Facebook" habits we've all gotten accustomed to, you'll do fine. Oh, and welcome to Steemit!
These things has to stop. If you want earn money please do it the right way and stop posting people working their asses out to make a living and someone will post and receive the best of praises. You will soon be flagged so start thinking twice.
This is really important. Beyond the "rewards", the principle of a well curated site is a compelling draw to Steemit. It can only stay that way if the quality is high and we do a good job collectively policing it. I am re-steeming this to increase visibility and encourage everyone reading this post to do the same!
Thank you, Alla!
thanks a lot! we need this!!
this is communism and I disagree with this
Not allowing theft is Communism? Are you real?
it's only "theft" because people have allowed themselves to be brainwashed into believing it and NOT thinking for themselves! ...brainwashed by people who desire to CONTROL who recognizes them for their ideas. This has to do with what every negative emotion stems from: fear. Leads to greed, leads to worry, leads to self-entitlement.
We are all part of 1 mind anyways, so it's not like any idea is strictly that 1 person's blessings. That's their ego...there's no need to spread negativity because one feels entitled :)
Theft is theft. Fantasy is fantasy. Ignorance is ignorance. Enlightenment is enlightenment. Your wishing it were otherwise is a waste of my time. Toodles!
@willymac, you are not listening and you are not thinking.... think about history at a deeper level... look at the sequences step by step.... look at Germany for example
Go into any store and take something without paying. Step outside and wait for the police and they will explain the concept. Taking anything without permission is theft and theft is punishable. Yes, even in Germany after the Nazis took over. Especially then! I can't believe you really think stealing is okay. There are legal, intellectual property laws you may want to Google and read.
@willymac why are you assuming that the reported guy didn't have permission? and I don't see @joeyarnoldvn or @robertgenito saying stealing is okay.
It took far more time to and human energy to create what you sell in your store, and it took far more time and human energy to create your STORE --- as compared to thoughts (practically 0 energy) and typing. Typing = cheap.
"this is communism and I disagree with this"
@joeyarnoldvn, help me understand what exactly you are saying by this statement. How are you using the term "communism"? Are you referring to Alla's post? My reply? Plagiarism? Standing against plagiarism?
Sorry if I'm being dense, but I'm not sure what you disagree with.
Within communism, government gets bigger and they begin to tell you what you are and are not allowed to say. Democrats and the left are doing this all over Europe and America more so in 2017, this year, than ever before. They tell you something is hate speech. Sometimes, something is plagiarism and sometimes maybe not. But you need smart enough judges to determine these cases. Both sides can think they're right in some cases. It becomes very difficult at times to facilitate cases. Sometimes, one person can say that the other plagiarized them. But that other person can accuse the first of the same thing. In those cases, it can be very hard to know who stole from who.
Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Reddit, and other social network websites will often decide what their rules are and that is fine.
But they will often say you have the freedom of speech and they allow people from ISIS to say things and then when other people leave a comment about the bad things some terrorists do, then the good people are taken to real jail in real life and their accounts are terminated. In Europe, the new people are coming in each day and they rape and steal and murder. When European citizens talk about it, police take them to jail in many cases. So, long story short, when I talk about communism, I am talking about Facebook, Europe, China, and especially about censorship.
Plagiarism is bad but sometimes alleged plagiarism becomes censorship because a website or government can say something was stolen and that something was plagiarized and that is sometimes not true. But then people become sheep and zombie Walkers from The Walking Dead and they begin to accept too much and too often and then things get worse so through acceleration, accumulation, and momentum.@lances, I am a philosopher like Stefan Molyneux, and I speak from a theoretical and hypothetical perspective, most of the time, but I make references, applications, illustrations, and I try to connect ideas with situations that people can understand and relate to that is less vague and less abstract. I love abstract but many people allegedly don't. So, I make it a priority to find examples to help teach my religion of philosophy or what have you.
Thank you for expanding on the idea. The brevity of the original comment occluded its intention and unfortunately came across troll-ish.
To your further explanation, I would suggest that a missing element as we evaluate the line between plagiarism and censorship is the degree of trust extended to claiming parties. Having reviewed the evidence behind Alla's "allegation" and having done the same for her existing body of work, my conclusion (and admonition to the community) was explicitly to call out the value and benefit to a community of reasonably ensuring content creators are truly the creators of their content. To falsely claim creativity that was not yours is at best disingenuous and at worst a violation of trust, regardless of its "legality".
The strength of Steemit, in this instance, lies in the decentralization of evaluation of trust, which by its nature deters the censorship cited in your commentary.
What a douchebag!
is this one stolen too?
yes i believe it is, from what i see the picture is low resolution which means it was taken from the internet. and both pictures are 2 different images as well!
I wrote him a long note. Basically, I told him that I could easily reduce his reputation to the negative zone, Steemit dungeon. I gave him a choice: stop his lying, stealing or get the wrath of my downvote. Let's watch and see what he does. Let me know......It should be obvious now that his rep is at 13....
so sad... i can see it now: people disagreeing with new ideas others have, and then down-voting them because of it! this is called censorship. I suddenly feel less happy about steem's future for people who want their ideas heard, with controlled opposition from marketing firms shutting their ideas down... I guess that will at least make my steem holdings more valuable :\
It's not censorship. If you post original content and it gets flagged and taken down...that is censorship. Posting someone elses content....that is called facebook. Posting someone elses content and getting paid for it...that is called stealing.
lol "that is called facebook". true, this guy could always hit the "resteem" button :)
I think the cryptocurrency and the blockchain technologies were created to really give freedom to people but unfortunately people who are enthusiastic and are using these technologies are doing the same things bankers and decision makers did, i.e. making more and more rules just to defend their interests.
@robertgenito I agree with you I wonder if @allasyummyfood has reported any other plagiarism not related to food or recipes.
Thank you for writing out the rest of the idea for me. If BitShares complained about people "plagiarizing", STEEM wouldn't be here in the first place! Same thing with Litecoin: if the Bitcoin developers complained of "down right plagiarism" (most of which it was), Litecoin wouldn't exist. This is why BitShares and Bitcoin have all WELCOMED sharing--sorry, I mean, "plagiarism" with a touch of dishonesty :)
I can't agree more
the whole idea that blockchain (i.e. the technology that steemit runs on) is based on is freedom and sharing and making things public and not caring about people taking advantage of others work and building something new on top of that work. this how BitShares ans Steemit were created in the first place if not for the ingenuity and generosity of the Bitcoin creator (Satoshi Nakamoto) steemit wouldn't even exist.
you can argue that no one ever did anything by himself, we all do things based on others work and others knowledge but it is so sad that MOST of the people cannot understand this specially the ones who benefit from it the most.
Just flag the s... out of him!...
"from what i see the picture is low resolution which means it was taken from the internet"
is this the kind of thoughts that will make our world or steemit community better? I am not so sure according to @allasyummyfood if a picture is low resolution it means it was taken from the internet.
if it is determined without a doubt stolen as well, someone can flag it....
i want to first give him a chance, and make sure he understands that he has a choice moving forward.
he hasn't responded to anything anymore, just disappeared!
With the large number of posts it is becoming quite a task to weed out plagiarism. Unfortunately as word of mouth start to spread I am afraid Steemit will start to be abused as a way to make easy money.
Flagging a post for plagiarism is a start when they are caught but what about the many others who are not and walks away depleting the reward pool for all.
I am sure the Steemit team is actively working on this problem to more easily detect cases of plagiarism more efficiently and hopefully a solution can be found before Steemit explodes on the scene.
Alla...my best cook in steemit. Anyone who hurts you hurts me...I remember this particular cheesecake that got me salivating and alas! someone stole your innovative hard work. The guy is even new & has no future here if he continuous. There are millions of contents to write...even from google and do proper citation if one can't develop his/her own. Don't worry @allasyummyfood we know you are a hard worker. Keep doing what you do best & never be discouraged by such people. Nice job . you not only an excellent cook but a special agent!
We got Sherlock right here! Good work :)
You are really not a bitch, you are food-avenger, who does not hide her face, like Iron Man. Incredible Food Steemit Woman. All violators will be punished.
It is a pity that you have to waste your time on bad people, instead to delight us with new recipes. But keep on do it!
haha you made me laugh! if anyone wants to draw me as a food avenger please do! steemit woman! ! yeah i know! i planned other recipes but i will work on that in a bit!
I agree with @natord
@totalgyan is a spammer, guy doesn't even read your post and drops this as comment to every post, even a funny meme,lol
"You bring such a wonderful piece of article
Your thought process is very unique from the others.
I like reading your articles and love to upvote them.
Upvoted and followed
Nice to follow you"
don't know how to add screenshots to comments would have shown a handful of post he has done this.
yes i know... its just copy and paste even on comments! thanks! you can add pictures in comments same way as you add it to posts! :)
Hi @allasyummyfood. A few of these are getting splashed around when these situations are identified:
Hi. Your comment has been identified as a potential Pixie comment. Please follow the link if you would like an explanation.
Thank you
don't worry, his rep is now at 13.....I will write him a personal note, and if he continues, he will become invisible.
thank you Stellabelle!
here's what I wrote:
Dear totalgyan,
Your reputation is now at 13 because you are lying to the Steemit community and plagiarizing other people's work. Steemit does not tolerate stealing artwork and photos from others, lying and providing zero value.
This is your warning. I could easily drop your reputation into negative zone, which would mean that your future posts (all of them) would be most invisible.
You have a choice: tell us the truth or be cast into the Steemit dungeon.
The choice is yours. I will be looking to see what you do.
If you continue to steal, lie and cheat, I will have no choice but to flag you into the Steemit dungeon.
Very disappointed to find you doing this.....lying is the most disappointing.
thank you! We wait to hear from you!
That would make him an 'invisible gyan'...
Good work guys, nothing worse that blatant plagiarism on a creative platform like Steemit.
@stellabelle, I believe in the freedoms of speech, press, arms, religions, and it seems you are attacking people who disagree with you and that might be kind of like a double standard
she is just attacking plagiarism... plagiarism is not freedom of speech...
Well within the structure of the platform to flag plagiarism
There is a difference between disagreeing with someone and stealing from someone.
You are wrong, but these are your thoughts. I have the right to counter with my own thoughts; I would never dream of suggesting your comment should be removed.
Nobody, from what I've seen here, wants to censor anything. We just want our work to be respected as our hard work, not lifted wholesale by those who are too lazy or too dull to produce their own.
Trust me, I'm a doctor.
last point what about your picture??@catweasel stealing? who stole anything?? "We just want our work to be respected as our hard work" you are saying OUR WORK but did the reported person take your work or @allasyummyfood 's work?? or someone elses work? yes he took pictures from other websites but how can you be sure he doesn't have persmission to do that??
@tarek-h He claimed as if they were made by himself which obviously were not. It IS stealing if he's claiming it as his own, and he did.
Also, funny how you created JUST an new account to rant on this article.
IF you did your research well (which you also obviously did not), you can find the terms of use on their webpage saying:
I rest my case.
firstly yes my account is totally new and I don't have any post but I didn't creat it for this article like you said "Also, funny how you created JUST an new account to rant on this article." no I didn't and this post was created yesterday

secondly I don't know the reported guy and I am not him if you think I am and I am not defending him I am just asking people some questions specially when they say they dont like things and they are doing them
well maybe I didn't do my researchbut how is that obvious to you?? don't try to be too smart you may be wrong sometimes and I may aswell
whether something is canned or not does not mean that a randomly new and recreated message that has not been seen before is then therefore genuine and real and not spam..... a new message and a new comment can be just as fake as a repeated comment...... but how many times does a celebrity sign his name to thousands of fans the same thing and people do not get mad at celebrities when they spam copy paste their name and some generic message to their fans..... therefore, it is not that simple
i think you are missing the point here and even if you are right, the guy is no celebrity and again fans ask for the signatures of celebrities, they just don't go about signing every stuff they get in contact with, do they?
yeah i agree @darkerhorse this @joeyarnoldvn doesnt understand what plagiarism is...
I completely agree. I hate plagiarism and theft.. I don't know why people are trying to benefit from others work on which they tried so hard.
This made me realize that I'd like to be even more involved in this GENUINE community and I shall keep an extra eye open.
yes thank you! we need people like that!!
it is not really theft or there can be loop holes and there are other problems that are created when you try to go after people you think are stealing and that job can become counterproductive
On this planet, stealing is stealing and theft is theft. It's not that hard a concept to grasp.
@willymac, I am talking over your head and you think like an ant because I am talking about that and we are not on the same page because I am talking about side effects to an excess to prohibitions to the freedom of speech
Plagiarism isn't covered under freedom of speech because it is THEFT. It's that simple. Any true artist/writer/content producer with a brain in their head would understand that when you STEAL somebody's work and then call it your own, you are a fraud. If producing their own ORIGINAL content is too much like hard work then perhaps that person needs to find a job that's not so hard for them to handle.
How do you mean? When someone uses someone else's content without its source, it is plagiarism and thus theft.
Some people are not aware, but some people for sure are. We need to promote people to use sources if they are unaware and protect the content creators from the people who steal content on purpose.
exactly this @joeyarnoldvn has been abusing me with his comments now for calling out scammers and people who plagiarize
I'm honestly impressed with how well you have handled all of the trolling and ignorance.
I'd have lost it if someone had called me a communist...just from the irony. The idea of intellectual property having value for its creator instead of becoming public domain is a pretty capitalistic concept.
Between joey and tarek and the people who thought they should downvote your post, I'm starting to lose faith in humanity.
I didn't downvote her post or any comments even the ones calling me troll and fool.
yeah those people are just trolls, not much we can do! :D
it is very easy to insult people and call them trolls, but infortunately you can't even prove what you are saying nor give a valid answer that supports your point.
Great work. Thanks for alerting us and helping to keep Steemit good and clean!
yeah i dont wanna feel bad for doing it, but it had to be done and made an example out of it.
I just reduced his reputation from 41 down to 13 by flagging 3 of his stolen food posts....there's one other food post that looks fishy....is it stolen too?
Thank you, Thank you for your honesty, you have every right to be angry and you are NOT a bitch. I completely agree with @ezzy, you are one if the best content creators. Upvoted and resteemed.........I already follow your beautiful blogging.
I'm so gonna rip their thieves long noses off their lying faces if I catch them plagiarizing photos from my beautiful island living posts. I have been to all places in pictures I posts.
So, yes! I know what you mean about time invested. I hope you feel much better now.
You can't really get people kicked off the platform since it is blockchained. You can get whales to flag them to oblivion. Sounds like a job for @berniesanders
yes you cant get them kicked off but you can flag them until they have no reputation score! thanks !
@allasyummyfood but that sounds like hate speech.... but I am not saying we cannot do or not do hate speech..... I believe the freedom of speech includes hate speech...... I believe in letting people steal and lie.... the real people can still compete and rise above the bad people.... maybe the robbers are bad.... but do we really have the time or right to get whales to drown bad people until they are at the bottom of Reputation Ocean?
its not a hate speech its facts! this platform is monetised, you dont make money from someone elses work! thats it.
"this platform is monetised, you dont make money from someone elses work! thats it"
Aren't you making money from STEEMIT team's work???@allasyummyfood
what are you talking about ? steemits team work?
I will make it easy for you to understand: don't you make money from steemit?? I think you do. and I think steemit platform is not your work (unless you are one of the developers of this platform)
so can we say the same about you making money from someone else's work? because if not for steemit team's work you wouldn't be able to make money also
PS: I am not saying you shouldn't, I am just trying to make you see that you are making also money from somone else's work
Yes we do have the time and right to do so. We (the actual genuine content creators) have every right to protect their own content and of others. The steemit community is like a family, we are close and supportive and we would like to protect each other from harm that can be done. This includes plagiarism.
I don't understand your hostility towards this subject or @allasyummyfood
and in your follow me footer is the picture yours???@sjennon in your post https://steemit.com/steemit/@sjennon/300-followers-thank-you-for-your-support-steemit did you draw the troll picture yourself??? because I don't see any source of that picture
These memes are widely known on the internet, nor did I claim them.
I never claimed these images as my own.
In the post which is linked to my footer, you can see that I am referring to Pexels.com.
Read before you try to undermine.
"These memes are widely known on the internet, nor did I claim them." if something is widely knnown on the internet so you can use it on your posts without putting a source or something???
"I never claimed these images as my own" and if someone copies something without claiming it is their own means they can copy others work?? isn't this plagiarism?
You really are telling us that we should allow and upvotes lies and plagiarist?... Really?
@dreamrafa, they write books about these things and it seems you have not even read books written by philosophers and doctors and psychologists and pastors and teachers and all kinds of experts and more.... please become more open to the concepts of the freedom of speech
Copying and pasting other people content is not freedom of speech, at least not here... I don't care how many books are written about it or how many physiologist and pastors and teachers support this kind of plagiarism, i wont support that crap... I am closed to those concepts?: Yes, i am totally closed like a safe box, i wont open my mind to plagiarism shit, sorry... If someone wants to be a scammer he is free to do, if you want to support scammer, go and do it, you are also free... I am totally free to be against it, please be open to that concept!, cheers!
@dreamrafa does not know what plagiarism is
@dreamrafa must love Obama... and is so blind
We've actually had 1 person I know of kicked off this platform. True story.
thats good!! we should kick them out if they are abusing steemit!
Yes plagiarism should be discouraged cos it renders the effort of the author useless.
@dchino, I disagree
Well i feel that if you must use someone's content. Just give credits to them
@dchino good point but you said "i feel" so it is not an obligation to do that, and if it is who put this rule and why it should be accepted??
The real issue is that after I reported/flagged someone for plagiarising (on two counts), they got triggered and came to downvote all my posts/comments, lowering my revenue when all I ever did was post high-quality contents and report the actual offenders... Any way to sort this?
You are completely justified in being angry with this. I too am a victim of plagiarism and it is so soul destroying.
For me it is about a story I've been writing for my wife when she under went a cancer operation in Dec 2012. I started writing a story Union of the Wolf. It's based along the TES game Skyrim.
I have recently found out that a Steemit member Uceph has copied and pasted 28 of my chapters here.
My work was never about money. It was about helping my wife through several years of cancer and treatments. Like you however, I have put in hours/weeks and years of work into my story just as you have with your projects. I have now written over 350 chapters and my word count is in excess of 1, 250,000. To have someone come along and steal them is so damaging to people like us. https://steemit.com/@uceph
Don't think yourself a bitch or anything because you are standing up for your work. You are a victim here not those who steal and rob us of our comments, praise and hours of hard grinding work which we commit to.
Sotek Loyal Hound of Hircine
Report it to @steemitcleaners
As a new Steemian - I am a bit horrified that this happened. However, I read the rule and he should have done so as well. It is nice that the community is willing to give him a chance. I am not sure why he tried to claim it as his own - why he did not write the source . People would still appreciate finding the recipe on Steemit. I just cannot believe he lied - he made it worse. It is great that you wrote this post. How can a post like this get more visibility apart from re-steeming?
Thank you Alla, I am new here and it good to know we have a recourse. I am not a photographer so I make sure to do the reverse search feature when I use a photograph. I look forward to checking out more of your posts. :)
This depresses me and takes away my motivation to create. :-(
Great work done alla 👍👍 people like these must know the hard work that is put in to write some thing usefull. They dont deserve to earn by cheating and copying thid is a act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person
Oh my god,I had recommended my friend to upvote his post and praising him, what I had done?
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Minal aidin Wal faidzin,
Mohon maaf lahir Dan bathin.
Save the kingdom by charging headlong into the enemy and jumping through a window with the help of a strange old man.
Luckily you made this post because I'm sick of seeing people plagiarizing content. They can not provide content without making plagia it is scandalu
in your posts you are using pictures that are not yours isn't that plagiarism??@lestrucsdepicsou
Watermark, watermark, watermark!
I know there are those who will take the time to remove the watermark. I know that it is less work to modify the picture than to do the work. But as time goes on, the lazy will be lazy and move on to lower hanging fruit.
Also, I would love to see the Dev team of Steemit announce some countermeasure. Users of @steemit would be so grateful, and investors in the assets backing the platform would become even more of evangelists for the platform.
Well this is good to know. When I first heard about steemit the first thing that went through my mind was how people are probably making a lot of money using copy + paste. Good to know that these people will be called out and punished. This NEEDS to happen.
Just leave the poor dude alone.. Jesus!
Someone who plagiarizes get more money than people who work hard on a post thats's so unfair. Report those people who stole from other sites or post by others to make steemit safer ^,^
Indeed, I have been writing online for almost seven years now and it is really disheartening to see others taking my work and putting it on their own site to try and make money off ads. Sometimes the stories will go up on scraping sites in minutes and unfortunately there is not much one can realistically do about it since many of these sites are hosting and run overseas where DCMA claims are a crapshoot and even if the host does comply it just pops up somewhere else. Google has been getting better about pushing these duplicate results down or even hiding them from search results but it is still sad to see. One neat thing about Steemit is that it's more of a closed platform and it might be easier to reign in IP theft by having the community as a whole curating the content (as opposed to or in addition to automated algorithms) and, as you mentioned, rewarding the reporting of these shady posters that claim others' content as their own.
Plagiarism is also a big NO NO in College...
Thank you for your article ! You're totally right...
These people should be banned ofrom Steemit !