I'm gonna jump in the Zoom tonight for a little while once things are swingin'. I probably wont simulcast it because I don't have any ready graphics (or like that) but I'll definitely include links to those who are in a post from my account.
This group is so much fun and I'm delighted to have found y'all! Our guy, @fulltimegeek can be thanked directly for that! I've been feeling pretty isolated over here on the Island of Nod so he pointed me in @patrickulrich's general direction, knowing that I'd stumble onto some pretty terrific crap. Yay!
I get a lot of inspiration from the projects and the camaraderie in this group and I hope to be a source of encouragement and support to everyone involved.
It really is great having you both on the show. Adds different perspectives to our tangent laden discussions.
I agree! The ladies gotta stick together. I love your personality and the head you've got on those shoulders of yours. We very much look forward to having you on tonight!
I'll have to be sure to go thank @fulltimegeek again! I so appreciate what he's doing.
Thank you so much for your support. You're a bad ass! And likewise: Let me know what I can do to help any of your endeavors.
Namaste, sister! See you on The Pile!