Fabulous article as it makes one think of what they are actually doing here at Steemit and why. As well providing inspiration for where one may be, or wish to be heading.
I absolutely love the variety of people and characters here at Steemit. Recently I met 'Steemit's latest oddball @ionlysaymeep' and had such a delightful conversation with him/her. I felt I could have told him/her literally anything and not be judged, criticized or condemned in any way ~ On the other hand he/she wasn't going to inflate my ego either. How often do we have this opportunity in 'life?'
Not sure where I fit in exactly yet, having just returned to Steemit after being away for about 7 months. I seem to be gradually finding 'my tribe' amongst some of the artists and photographers as I've been participating in @kalemandra's #ColorChallenge and as soon as possible will contribute to @everlove's #collaborativeartjourney.
I use images, both my own and those of others, to provoke my 'writing muse' so if I had to categorize myself, I'd be somewhere between a 'Creative' and aspiring 'Good Blogger.' Issues related to the healing of self, others and the planet are integral in my art, writing and life, and so I also have a feeling for becoming a cross between a 'Philanthropist' and 'Good Content Curator.'
Thanks so much for the prompt to reach a clearer understanding of our place here at Steemit. Stimulating the desire to be the best one can be and seeing the opportunity is here to do just that. 🙏
Thanks for that great comment! Gonna head over and check out your posts.