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RE: What Kind Of Steemian Are You?

in #steemit7 years ago

I try to be a social butterfly even though naturally I am probably not..because I see and have learned a lot from the 2 weeks I have been on steemit. Really hope in the platform and believe it has the potential to take off, so adding quality comments/content will only help further that cause. Also trying to model my style/posts after others that provide quality content and have done well has been a big help in the short time I've been here


In just two weeks on steemit, you are really adapting here, it pays eventually to be social here.
The platform definitely gonna take off, just keep doing the right thing.

Yes it does. Plus its a fun ride along the way!

Yeah you are right, great fun along the way

Howdy neighbor! I too am a Georgia girl, well I use to be a girl, now I am in grandma territory, lol. I wish I was more like you. I am in no way stuck up or snooty, but being "out there", talking with people, I do it, because practice makes perfect, but it ain't easy, lol.

BTW, love your hawk. We have a lot of hawks and barn owls around here and I love seeing or hearing them.

Hey! Great to see a fellow Georgian here. And I'm sure grandma territory is a blessing! I don't think its possible for southern ladies to be stuck up, everyone is so nice here! Georgia is beautiful I recently moved from CA so still adapting but sure is a wonderful place definitely a HUGE culture and nature difference but loving it. We have a barred owl around too when he hoots in the evenings its just amazing, got some pictures of him last summer but only with the phone so wasn't great quality.

Well, welcome to GA! I have lived within 20 miles of where I am now, my entire life.

One of the owls was nesting in a tree in my back yard until the last huge storm a few months back. Knowing owls tend to leave their nest to their children and the fact that I found two eggs in my backyard at the same time the nest disappeared, I am afraid her eggs didn't hatch and she was killed or died. But I loved sitting on the back deck at night in the summer and "conversing" with her.

I could not imagine living in CA. I have never been there, but you know how you build an image (right or wrong) in your head. It just seems like it is so crowded I don't know if I could handle it or the earthquakes, lol. But you moved from one big movie industry area to another. We are home to The Walking Dead, Arrow and many other TV shows and movies.

Thanks for the welcome. Gotta say the farmstead life helped inspire us to move to GA. It's almost impossible to get a decent sized lot in CA without breaking the bank. as for the earthquakes...they're not that get used to them...haha.