If you believe in yourself then you're crazy according to me. Believe means trying to bullshit yourself about something that is not within your capabilities. You need belief as a starting fuel but you also need clarity and courage to be able to forge a plan and execute it successfully for the purpose of accomplishing your goals. But what many people do is just fill themselves up up with self-belief nonsense and try to bullshit their way throughout their entire life. Now if this is what you meant by believe in yourself then this non-sense coming from a person who adores genuinity I.e. genuine behaviour is just downright disappointing.
Otherwise, it's okay if this is what it meant belief-getting the ball rolling-plan-execute-adjust-adapt-improve-goal.
Adjust-adapt-improve is to help you stay up to date about the latest happenings and preventing deviations.
Self-belief is a form of faith @amarbir - and clarity and courage are the building blocks. Further than that I am not even going to remark on the manner of your approach.