Trump and His Tweets

in #steemit8 years ago

trump msnbc.PNG
So Donald Trump created a fire storm once again with his tweets this time against Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzenski. The media and politicians have backed these MSNBC personalities obviously instead of Trump. What the media has failed to do though is explain what Trump's tweets actually do to the public discourse. Trump had healthcare, Illegal immigration, and refugees on his schedule this week. These are big issues that have polarized America during the election and throughout Trump's young administration. The left supported by the main stream media have created protests and a atmosphere of concern that seems to be more artificial than natural. In other words it seems most American people don't care about these issues as much as the Democratic party would want them to. Not to say that they are fully supportive of Donald Trump but most Americans like most people are more concerned about the economy and their jobs. Those who do care about politics are sharply polarized in America. So what does this have to do with Trump's tweets. Trump knows any success of his policies will be criticized by the left leaning media and their political organizers. Any success will be portrayed as a failure. Although nobody knows for sure what the President thinks it would seem very possible that these tweets are made to preoccupy the media so that they don't create a narrative against Trump's programs. With all the attacks against Trump whats interesting is that they haven't been able to make the American public buy into their narrative at least not all of the public. One of the reasons is Trump's tweets ability to preoccupy the media. His tweets are scandalous and tabloid fodder and the media can't help themselves but to push their narrative on them. What the media doesn't understand is that these tweets however disrespectful they are, are completely irrelevant and have nothing to do with policy. Which interesting enough keeps the media from effectively attacking the President. On the right there has been criticism of his tweets, most of these criticisms concern the timing, since it would seem the president is doing well and he shoots himself in the foot by releasing these tweets. On the other hand there is little outrage on the policies being passed instead the media is outrage over two MSNBC personalities.
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I'm not tired of winning yet!

Very interesting