Get OUT of YOUR Traffic Ticket

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Yesterday my boyfriend and I got pulled over for speeding 13 over!

Here are some helpful tips to use next time you're in this situation (:

  1. Turn the car off and throw your keys on the dash (shows that you're respecting the officer and their safety).

  2. Put both hands at the top of the steering wheel the entire time.

  3. Ask for permission to open glove compartment or wallet for paper work/license.

  4. Don't be rude and obey all instructions!!

  5. Turn the dome light on if it is dark out.

  6. Also, my boyfriend thinks it's a good idea to mention something about college (if you're in college that is)

All of these above were used on Sunday and the officer came back with a warning. My boyfriend swears by these rules, as he has been pulled over nearly 12x and still has gotten off with a warning !

I am not saying that everyone who speeds deserves a warning...ultimately it will be the cops decision.

Let me know if you've tried any of these and what happened!


I've done all of these. You nailed it on the head with:

ultimately it will be the cops decision.

My friend's father (police officer) told me all of the tips you mentioned above, so they are definitely great rules to follow. Especially:

Don't be rude and obey all instructions!!

  • Glad you like !

Great effort put up here!
Keep sharing.@americandiamond