
the director of content will be taking over the update process. Congrats!!

Let me know if I can help. :)

This is great to hear, but I look forward to actually seeing it in action!

I don't know if you are into something like this, because it's not easy for me to find informations on the platform since I am quite new and couldn't follow the history from the beginnings... What do you think about something like a "News-Center"? When I try to get informations I usually have to look them up on the Trending-Page. I would love to have a seperated news-area where I can find any kind of informations about developments and changes on Steemit? Being new here most accounts just look equal to other accounts. But there are witnesses, developers, people from Steemit.Inc... To me the most important influencers since they provide more value to the platform than just with investing money or blogging about any kind of topic? My feeling is this should be a bit more seperated from other blogging-content? Is something like this planned for 2018? Greetings from Germany!