Steemit Vlog: Why Steemit is the Tesla Motors of Social Networks

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

@Dan's post about Steemit being the tip of the iceberg got me thinking about parallels between Tesla Motors and Steemit so I decided to do a little vlog about it. It's entirely improvised so forgive me if I get sidetracked at points:

My Bio

The Problem With Policing in America


"Don't be a dick", is the credo I live my life by. Glad to hear someone else feels the same way :).

Born to not be a dick :)

Great video, thanks. Indeed, what you often see in the blockchain space is that platforms tend to do better.

One example is Ethereum, which arguably successfully has generalized the smart contract features of many previous blockchains.

Another bet is the decentralized storage space, with companies like Sia, StorJ, Swarm, etc. Today we see Amazon S3-like products emerging, but tomorrow decentralized Dropboxes and YouTubes will be good apps for those platforms.

Great insights here, Andrew.
I got a couple great ideas just from watching this video and considering the points you connect!
These long streams of consciousness are the best ways to externalize what's going on in your head :)

Thanks man. I think I agree with you on the streams of consciousness. That's why it's 4:34 AM and I'm still awake thinking about what I could shoot tomorrow. I think I officially drank the cool-aid!

I did too. I'm losing my mind

hello точно

Oooo. shoot tomorrow. what a choice of words....
Busy night some folks had, stirring things up.

I totally agree with you ! Great posts!

Mind blowing for sure!

Golden, mate!

I love your flow. Really cool to connect in with on video rather than just words - there's a whole different dimension of insight and passion that comes through in a way that can't be captured in writing.

You effectively transmitted your sense of vision. Very empowering, to see these perspectives more clearly. You've undoubtedly multiplied my faith in what we're all collectively developing here. :-)

Yessssssss! Thank you so much. That is such a great compliment. That is exactly what I hope to do more of. I don't think it's what I set out to do, but after watching that video a thousand times (super weird right) I think that might be my purpose!

I'm love your stuff too! Love getting to see your life... New idea for a video! Brb ;)

These are my thought exactly. Bravo🐬 I subscribed to your channel too! 😀

I never watch videos, but because of a comment here, I decided to watch it. I'm glad I did, because you explain some fascinating scenarios, which are not in plain sight, but that are very plausible. I like your way of explaining in a very calm manner, which gives me enough time to think about what you say.

Thanks man, I really appreciate that. I've looked at some of your posts (now following) and they make my brain hurt, so the fact that you didn't find the video moronic I take as a big compliment :)

Nice work, Andrew!

Thanks man, keep up the good work yourself [insert thumbs-up emoticon]

This is an excellent video and well filmed too. Thanks for sharing it!

Good stuff man!

Makes total sense :D

Phew! I was hoping it did! :)

Informative, inspiring & fascinating. Your perspective really resonates with me. Streem is a masterpiece of ingenuity. These are exciting times! Thank you Andrew.

I just realized how to apply your same brilliant insights to BitShares.
So the impact of this video is bigger than you may have imagined!

Haha, happy to help!

Great video. I bought Telsa shares soon after they IPO'd. Now I know I'm holding much longer. :)

Awesome. Yeah, I think people are still underestimating them.

I bought Tesla shares, too. And I convinced others to do the same.

Whoa! Well done Andrew! Some great insights in your video! As an automotive enthusiast I enjoyed the bit about Tesla very much! :)

that video totally made my day. That was amazing to listen to. Let's have a beer on day together.

I'm so glad you liked it. Thanks so much for the kind words. I hope we can make that beer happen some day.

this is great, educational and informative

Приятно познакомится очень интересно но хочется по русски! S n|p @maiboh

FUN :) Enjoyed this very much, thank you :)

Unfortunately, or whatever, a lot of people just won't be able to grasp what you are saying because it is not in the realm of what they currently believe is possible due to their cognitive biases and identification with low level human instincts.

Brilliant video. Before @dan s article came out I thought Steemit would be a game of arbitrage 'cat and mouse'.

I realize now that the value of a Steem dollar will tend to $1 - once that hits and it can be used as a stable currency all of the 'sidechains' or applications will give Steem it's value and the Steem Dollar it's stability as it turns into a self-sustaining platform.

Thanks a lot. One of the things about steemit is that everyone on here is damn smart, when they pay you a compliment it really means something! Just read your post here: Maybe we can work together on creating videos that accomplish some of these goals, e.g. we work together to explain some important points and then I make the video

These numbers are totally from memory, but I think I read somewhere that that actual words of your conversation (the text) only account for 7%, your tonality and your body language (the subtext) convey the rest of the meaning.

Of course in a blog setting, you can shift that 7% up with headings and a bold font to emphasize and separate points (which is the effect when you switch to a side camera :P). Ultimately, conveying a message through video is an art that you've taken to naturally, I think we can both add value.

I'd be excited to work with you, talking about feature requests is setting our sights too low in my opinion, the real value comes in conveying a philosophical or abstract message in simple terms - something that inspires and motivates people... like you've done here.

I have the same name in slack, get in touch!

Sounds great man. Let's do this

The show your "bought" price is a good idea.. I think it would help motivate people in A LOT of different ways

TradingView came to mind.

Great speaker. You convinced me to buy Tesla shares!

Gah! Hope that works out :/ Nah, I think you're good :) But monitor my account, I'll let you know if I decide to sell. Right now I think we're good. Once it starts getting close to 300, I start considering selling, but it always depends on the situation. The Solar City acquisition makes me very bullish for the long term.

Great comparison. This remind me of Zero to One by Peter Thiel. In it he wrote that it's important for a business to focus on a small market where your product has a high likelihood to succeed.

In it's early phase Steemit seems to do just that. But it's potential is so much bigger when other social media starts to adopt it's crypto-vote-reward platform. This is really revolutionary.

Thanks! And agreed, I read that book so some of that stuff definitely crept into the video. Good catch ;)

this is a nice post, i think same :D

Musk is taking advantage of Tesla's name while using the same methods his enemies did, e.g. stealing other peoples' work. No parallels with steemit are feasible.

A very inspiring post

Great post, Andrew. You're proving yourself to be quite an insightful contributor here.

Thanks what a great compliment! I'm foooooooollowing you.

Wow , Great

¿Isn't more clear the word "disruptive"?

steemit found his own "Andreas Antonopoulos"***

***PS ... only he is better

steemit going to the moon :-)

Thanks for taking the time to put that together, really enjoyed it.

Also great point about tolerating other socialnetwork sites and the 16 character password lol :D

I thought your battery/Tesla analogy went a bit long. I enjoyed the 2nd half from about 6 minutes in, though, especially about how horrible Facebook comments can be. I think you're right, though - the incentives dictate the users' behaviour.

Steem is a very well designed crypto-currency - even my sister is asking me about it!

Tip o' the iceberg is right.

I would like to see a way to leverage Steem & possibly Steemit to enable musicians to make a really good living by posting their work. I know there is work on Bitshares Music (Peershares?), and of course Bittunes has been functional for a while. But there is appeal is doing it very simply... just cross posting YouTubes of new original music to Steemit would probably be hugely more profitable to artists.

I stumbled onto this video on YouTube late at night and discovered Steemit because of it. You caused me to join. I mention you in my first "introduce yourself" post. Thanks my man


I see the similarities between the 2 business models, and I agree with you that steem is to the Steemit social network what the battery pack is to Tesla.

I do not agree that Tesla is a battery company as far as their motivations lay. The battery is one of the underlying technologies, no doubt about it, but the product is the car, the solar panel, the power wall.

I don't think Tesla's mission is to drive sales for the battery. In fact I think they started manufacturing the battery because they could not source enough for their products.

To me this argument is like saying Apple is a software company and they build stuff just to sell more software.

The steam model may difer in this regard, I do not know enough about it yet, I just wanted to speak my mind on what I perceive to be Tesla's business model and strategy.

Great videos btw... watched a few... :)