THE GAME: The Ultimate Steemit-Based Game

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

In today's video I develop further an idea for a Massively Multiplayer Online/Offline Game that I have been discussing with a few other Steemians like @churdtzu and @clevecross

The Game

The Rules

The Text

The Game: What?

  1. A Massively Multiplayer Online/Offline Game
    credit: @churdtzu and @clevecross
  2. That FULLY EXPLOITS ALL of Steemit's innovation/unique properties
    on Steemit people can:
    A. Present/Propose IDEAS to THE CROWD
  3. Enables the crowd and the INDIVIDUALS WITHIN IT to:
    A. Design and Build THEIR OWN GAME from SCRATCH including:
    i. The RULES
    ii. The PRIZE (e.g. an ACTUAL Holy Grail)

The Game: Why?

  1. It would be AWESOME (why else do it?)
    A. The crowd can build AWESOME SHIT (e.g. Wikipedia) because PEOPLE build awesome shit when PROPERLY INCENTIVIZED to be CREATIVE and WORK TOGETHER
  2. Building an awesome game (awesome RULES and awesome PRIZES) using STEEMIT would attract an awesome number of awesome people to the platform and make the game even MORE AWESOME :)

The Game: The Rules

  1. The crowd must design the rules
  2. The crowd must design the prize/prizes
  3. The crowd must determine the winner/winners

The Game: Relevant Observations

  1. Anyone who uses Steemit to present GREAT ideas (e.g. rules/prizes) or works together with other people to do the same will be rewarded immediately
  2. Digital technologies including the blockchain technology epitomized in Steem/Steemit can be used to endow PHYSICAL OBJECTS in the REAL WORLD with MAGICAL PROPERTIES (credit: @steempower)

If this game sounds stupid/bad PLEASE feel free to use the comments to share your ideas for a better game or better yet write your own post about YOUR OWN GAME and be sure to tag it "thegame" so that anyone interested in playing can find it.

It is my belief that EVERYONE has some valuable insight, skill, or idea that would add value to The Game. If there is something you are into, whether it's psychology, cryptography, woodwork, WHATEVER, you have something of value to add.

If you've gotten this far and are still wondering how you can begin playing The Game, you have already begun.

Update: There is now a channel on for The Game. If you would like an invite, let me know.

Related posts:
On The Concept of an Offline MMOG
Indiana Jones In Real Life: A Game Concept
A Game You Have to Invent to Win


Oh I lost the game..oh different game.

Oops; different game; you can still win!

Thanks... I haven't lost the game in years and you reminded me. I just lost the game!

How about a game similar to Minecraft where you are on an island or a newly discovered planet and your objective is to build a government free society. You would have certain objectives like building a transportation system and different services to meet the community's needs. In the game the users would vote on each persons rules and attemps to meet the objectives based on the democratically selected rules. It would be a model then for a real government-free community to be built at some future time in the real world.

I have invited you to the channel. Sounds like a fun game :)

Thanks, I look forward to discussing further. I am available most evenings between 6:00 and 11:00 PST.

This has still been on my mind a lot. I have steem transferring from that post that I want to use to assist with this. My only stumbling area was being truly offline, and it was also solved with the use of an offline/online hybrid and started approaching from that direction myself.
While I love the idea of an actual physical treasure hunt for a trophy embedded with the prize, with the small, global, user base that proves problematic. My solution also was to use the steem platform as a "quest board".
There are so many options and ways for this to develop and I have been a little overwhelmed with what it could eventually be versus what an early version would look like.
I am working on thoughts regarding a "quest" to offer the community that would be completable by anyone regardless of location. I hope to have something with details by early next week.

Happy to see this. I am always intrigued by your posts and perspective, but this has always had me excited with it's thought of what incentivized play could begin to look like.

I would recommend using posts to iron out details. That's why I did this post. It's a lot to think about and it's super complicated, so I think smaller posts that are more conceptual as you're working through the ideas could be of help. And then once you've really developed the idea you can do a "final" post that brings everything together.

Let the mastermind begin!

But the small user base could grow immensely if at those treasure hunts we left something that would intrigue even people who are not users to get in the game.

It's crazy to think that one day you could be driving and hear about $1000 in buried treasure located somewhere in your city on the radio.
I agree, it can definitely be a motivation to join. Also, It can just be a lot of fun!

THE GAME --- now, it is REAL LIFE

The game of life and reality not existing but always changing.

Rule: I am binding my mind to provide thought to this game for a share of STEEM DOLLARS. Now that I may have myself motivated. Please feel free to let me know how I may help. Will dig up my GDD Game Design Document notebook to better guide my thought to materialize more creation in "THE GAME" on steemit. Will post my part of the game in the (near) future.

Thanks for making me think more about some sort of game on steemit. :)
I'll look forward to your idea(s) and others.@andrarchy Love the idea! Been in games all my life. Owned a game store for many years. Been a DM, doungeon master. Also used to go to GAMA, the Game Manufacturers Association where I got a free pass every year.

Ok man I need to see this a few times but the general concept is very cool

This is cool: Anyone who uses Steemit to present GREAT ideas (e.g. rules/prizes) or works together with other people to do the same will be rewarded immediately

I will give some feedback when I get a chance.

Cheers man!

I want more of this --- More ideas, more brainstorming. Great stuff.

@all Welcome to my brainstorming, lol

Keep it storming and brewing... Just don't forget to let out some steem once in a while ; )

Virtual prizes may be a better idea to start. This way everyone has the same access to virtual content and prices. Will start a post son to start a game I have been thinking about. To start with some resources outside of steemit to set some form of base for a game. Thanks for everyone's feedback so far.

Hey, thanks for sharing this awesome idea.

I've been thinking a lot about how can we help create a world of abundance 4 everyone on the planet. Not sure how you all feel about the potential downsides to exponential growth and the potential impacts of technological unemployment on the most vulnerable in today's world. I'm optimistic, yet concerned.

I'd like to help make the world a better place for everyone.
So, @andrarchy when I saw your post about The Game, it made my imagination run as to what can be possible with a crowd of change makers here on Steemit and how together this community can build real companies/movements that further accelerate positive change for everyone around the world. Not only is this going to be a lot of fun, together we can have tremendous positive effects on the quality of life of so many.

Exponential Organizations like this that work together will be UNSTOPPABLE.

I'm excited to see what the community does.
Thanks for sharing your insight and inspiring the rest of us to communicate and dream bigger!

I was thinking of a game like steemit. As in using people's input to to mine.
Can you imagine a sort of game like Pokémon go where people out in the world look around for things, kind of like a treasure hunt but with steemit content.
Example, I go somewhere out in the real world and love what I see, so I share some of the things I like about the place. If another steemer is around that location while traveling, exploring or if they just live there, they can be notified about it. If intrigued enough people can go and visit it and also write, take pics or just share what they thought about the place. All while exploring the world and giving people an incentive to get out and share about their world.

If you join, I can add you to the group discussion for the game and you could implement something like this

Trying to joint and signup is not letting me in for some reason. Anyone else having this problem? I try to reset my password and no cigar.

I didn't have this problem. Maybe someone used your username already. Also try different e-mail address maybe

@andrarchy, I always love your explanations of things. You engage listeners from all stages in the game. You've got a lot of originality and ideas. Great videos and blogs. I'm going to keep following you.

yes, keep the insight coming

Your idea/theory is approved! Now start nailing down the details, use-cases, and cool experiences! Do a theoretical example walk-through with 5 imaginary player of how one of these games would unfold...from beginning to winner.

"The crowd can build awesome shit!"

Yes they can!

Interested and following

I love the idea behind ur concep't, the online industries. Is worth billions of dollars annually, and to be able to create or help others develop new games and be reward, with value that can be exchanged to fiat, or other cryptocurrences. I believe would attract lot's off people.

Interested, following and anxious to see more.

Check your wallet memos --

Hi. Did this idea ever get developed any further?

@yourfishsmells I wonder this great idea, too...