Hi Blake,
thank you for giving your feedback here and sorry for the late reply (I was busy in "real world" as a developer and couldn't answer you before). I am italian so we have different timezone from US.
As I wrote to other users already I don't want to do disruptive criticism or attack you personally (I have no reason to do it). I am still actively contributing to the platform (even if complaining a little as you can see).
I would like to be able to give you a better feedback about the entire video with more accurate reference to the single topics and maybe the exact portion of the clip where they were discussed.
This may probably take an entire new post and some effort, but I would do it without any problem.
My interest is trying to improve the platform and not starting a flame with you or with other users!
Thanks for now, I'll give you updates on this thread ASAP!
About Facebook: yes, they don't pay but you don't expect any payment so the posts can be low quality, additionally they have some millions users so probably they can give you some major exposure which may lead to a visit to your website and potential earning / new customers. :)