Why Am I Writing?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

While the theft of elections in the USA for the past went on for fifty years, I just looked on. But not anymore!

Today I am pouring most of my energy into fighting our oppressive and corrupt government. In particular, I am supporting any movement against the Bushes, Obama and Hillary Clinton and her thugs. The rest of my time will be spent on chess, art, life, news, money, photography, travel, and promoting steemit.

Mostly I will not be writing original articles as this is usually foolish as it probably has all been said before or being done by those far better qualified and informed than I.

-You will read the most critical up to date goings-on in politics.

-I will bring to you news, truthful news, as reported by the alternative media and not by the corporate-owned mainstream media.

-Also, on occasion there will articles on life, money and travel.

I do hope that my blog will prove informative and useful.


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