Here comes new topic for discussion for a new week. First of all appreciate Ainie for coming up with worthy and healthy points for everyone to ponder about. That topic might be also like - for many - how one could include Steemit in their WORK -LIFE balance in the best possible way. Is'nt it so? I am just asking...
I am came across few posts and news which i realized earning from Steemit is sometimes much more than a normal regular income from another 9x6 job. I wish I could get some more information on it asap. For me, i love pressure whether in work or in life or in both and in almost all probability my level of concentration may gets higher if there is pressure and so far no work load in my job seems to be a head ache for me so far.
To AINIE, in your endeavor- my personal wish and prayers to become a full time Steemien earning lots of money (when you achieve it we expect to get some treat too) and also i would like to request you one thing too that please avoid tablets as much as possible....
Regard to all let's hear from others too
Hey @angelro
Do you find that you may be able to make more money on steemit than your job?
What kind of job do you have? I believe you that is a very interesting concept and maybe @ainie will add it to the topic because I would love to hear how people might incorporate steemit into their work lives. I think that everyday in work you can find something to write about and share because it is a unique experience that only you could share with us. At least that is how I view my writing.
Happy to note that there is some relevance to my suggestion Dear @teggit.
I think only very few may think about to switch entirely to Steemit for a regular income. Sorry if I am wrong due to my ignorance, if not as @teggit also pointed out it is extremely important to find a way to include any Social Media interactions in a way that it never affect both work and life.
Its my inborn habit not to get stressed for those things which we never been able to control ourselves. Dont laugh on me, my point is for example is that What point in worrying about the exam result of our kid which is beyond our control. So thinking and worrying about the marks until the results are published only hamper our mental and physical health.
For your second question I am yet to realize the potential of a handsome earning from Steemit. Must be possible for that one should be very smart I think.
My job, I am a civil engineer who is fortunate to work with some of the reputed firms for some of the biggest buildings. And I was able to get the things done for my job with proper handling of people involved....
Good to hear from you. Keep updated. Have a nice week ahead.
I completely understand if you are a driven person how it might be hard to separate your want to do better the way you do with work, and what limits there might be when it comes to steemit . You must be very busy being an engineer, I don't know how you have time for this at all. My dad is an mechanical engineer so I know how busy the work is.!
Thanks @teggit dear for response. Nice to hear from you.
For me rather than complaining, enjoy what we have with the job or the situation. Accept whatever GOD given to us with humility and try to cope with it. Dont think I am a philosopher, hehe...May be maturity taught this to me. Further my collegues used to tell me I am too smart with time management during site jobs, meeting etc. And that is one of the key too..
And also I used to list out things to be done on next day in chronological order depends upon its importance and mostly I used to finish it in scheduled time.
And finally and most importantly I hates FB, instagram there by saving lots of time...
Now let me hear others opinion too. Thanks a lot my friend...Keep writing
We are alike! I love pressure too, my husband keeps trying to make me my own boss, but I need someone to respond too, others side I would procrastinate a lot.
Maybe if I did not work full time, I would love to be a blogger, and I’m trying, I still have my instagram account with 2k followers.
Oh...Nice to meet you here friend, You are from which country?
Happy to know that there are others like me too. For few pressure makes them more concentrate to get the things done. And finally the relief after successfully completing the tasks at the end of the day is so satisfying too. as you said if someone is there to respond the things may become more easy.
I too tries to do some blogging now. And visit this page https://steemit.com/india/@angelro/dhanushkoti-story-of-a-1-7-million-year-old-bridge whenever you have time. I prepared few more between balancing my life and work as I wished to become a writer too whenever I reads some good books.
Im from Brazil but I live in the US.
Time management is not a struggle, but I wish my day was longer and I had more rime for my family.
Ohh..just happy to hear it that you are from Brazil, the land of Pele and Neymer...
Agree, Time management is not a struggle but it is a skill to utilize the available time..It is natural to feel when there is a caring family back in home that the time we are spending with them is always less than we would like to be. Many people are facing that problem it feels.. Enjoy your weekends and Holidays to the fullest. Make sure one or two family trips in an year leaving all the office and job related stuff back in home...
Take care, Keep posting and my regards to all too
Hello @angelro, hahaha the word headache makes me wanna take my tablets again.... no am just kidding okay. Thanks for the kind words and prayers. I wish to be successful together and then we shall be proud telling everyone the story of how all of us meet and click in this HHG although we are all scattered around the world from different countries, cultures and backgrounds. Awesome right!
Hahaha...headache and tablets. one thing I hates is medicines. i believe our body system is capable to withstand normal problems that our body experiences such as mild headaches, fever, tooth ache etc. So cant remember exactly when I had gone to a doctor or had a medicine last time. So when i hear about others taking medicines i really feel not comfortable, so with you too..
And as you said, lets see how far we go in this platform and really it is heartening to know that few people around the world is there to share and care.
Keep steeming...try to reduce the number of tablets and try to not think about that...