Hiya SVK
I agree about the endless murder caused by belief. It tells me our species still has a lot of evolving to do :D
Homo sapiens has always been her favorite when it came to survival instincts and mutations
I dunno about that. I think the microbes are winning by a long jump. There was a number going around that bacteria cells outnumber our own by 10:1 but recent studies show it's about 1:1. Not bad really. These microbes out-mutate us too (faster generation turnover). They'll be here long after we're gone.
We must ensure everyone gets the benefits and no one fights
Dunno how workable this is. It's in our nature to scramble for position. If people feel they're losing their place, they'll use whatever tools they have to keep it or they'll fade away and their steemit genes will 'die'.
Thanks. That was an interesting read.
Anj :)
Actually, this really good prose by @prydedefoltz demonstrates the scarcity mentality and how some people behave.
You are right about the microbes and many other species who will end up outlasting us. I wonder how we will cope with a dying civilization and how it will eventually happen.
Me too. But on the bright side, nothing in this galaxy can outrun a dying sun :P
There's actually a series of fantasy stories called Dying Earth on this premise. A distantly future earth when the Sun is slowly dying.
They sound cool. I love speculative fiction. Thanks SVK.
Anj :D
haven't read them, but in my list