You probably don´t know about me but we are the same person. Let me find some similarities between us.
I started like you, as a minnow. We were earning cents for our content, content that just like most of our fellow Steemians, was made out of sweat and effort hoping someone would find it and vote it.
As you, I made a name for myself and started to grow step by step. My first post was in May 2017, yours was in June 2017, we have practically the same Steemit-age.
This is awesome, we have the same amount of Steem Power delegated! A quarter million SP given to use to use as we deem necessary.
I am not here to judge your content quality or your analysis. This post is not to demand you stop posting 10 times a day - as you were doing when you started, you never changed your posting behaviour. This open dialogue is not to question your rewards. This letter doesn´t want to discuss the flags you give or the flags you receive.
Wow, you have 25k followers, I have only 7K. And to think I thought I was growing fast. Even so, we are both between the top 300 most followed Steemians.
I didn´t invest any Fiat. I don´t have money in the physical realm, all of my owned SP was earned by posting. As I can see by how you started, you probably didn´t have a lot of Fiat when you started but you were able to harvest some profit our of good choices in the Crypto market.
This is awesome, we have the same amount of Steem Power delegated! A quarter million SP given to use to use as we deem necessary.
I think it is great for the platform´s health to have whales delegating Steem Power to other accounts, that way the wealth is spread, the votes reach more people.
I am not here to judge your content quality or your analysis. This post is not to demand you stop posting 10 times a day - as you were doing when you started, you never changed your posting behaviour. This open dialogue is not to question your rewards. This letter doesn´t want to discuss the flags you give or the flags you receive.
This post is to try and reach a middle ground.
You are a Crypto Analist. You know how Steemit works. You have 80K Steem of your own and it is for our best interest - yes, my interest even though I have 6K Steem and you have 80K Steem - that this social experiment succeeds and we continue to have more users joining.
I know the whole story about how you started to get support, then the flags you received, after that the support you got from a top whale, then the delegation you received, then more flags and after that, the Haejin wars (This is what people are calling what´s happening today).
I know how other peole, top whales and minnows, have taken actions against you or your posts. While I support their ideas behind their actions and I understand their reasons, I don´t see the war ending sometime soon. This is bad for everyone who´s part of the steemcosystem. I would prefer to see you all, inmense whales voting for minnows rather than fighting each other. Sometimes a war is needed, but sometimes a truce helps everyone more.
There is a lot of people who support flagging you and there is a lot of people against this. Some Steemians started to support your posts after the Haejin Wars started, other Steembros joined the flagging party against your posts.
I even started an initiative to heal all the post that got flagged by you or the top whale supporting you. I am not one who flags easily but I am one who votes on posts that don´t deserve flagging.
But you know what? Perhaps it was wrong.
The approach to you at the beginning was well intended but perhaps, if someone asked me, I would have done it differently.
A few months ago I wouldn´t have written this letter out of fear of getting flagged but you see, we are the same person and I hope you get to see what I´m trying to achieve here.
We started at the same time, we grew a lot during the past months (you more than me but still), we create content that some people consider quality and good, we both are very enthusiast towards Steemit and we want it to succed. We have a considerble amount of Steem Power of our own but we also have a quarter million SP delegated to us. We both want to make a profit out of posting - I won´t lie, I post very often to try and earn some SBD and SP - but I also want to believe...
We want Steemit to Succeed.
I know perhaps it is too late to ask for a middle ground meet up. A lot of big people have attacked you full front and you have been made fun of with memes, posts and comments but hey, that´s the price of success.
Yep, whether some people like it or not, you are the most rewarded Steemian around in the past months. It doesn´t matter who votes you, you are getting rewarded.
Remember when you were earning 2 cents per post? I do.
I remember it was very disheartening to see the trending page and see 6 posts from the same person with massive profits and then look at my blog and see 10 bucks in total. I think you remember it too.
You see, I´ve been using my quarter million SP delegation to vote on those people who, like you and me 10 months ago, are trying very hard to get some votes, support and recognition. I use less than 10% of my total Voting Power to vote on my posts.
As I said, we want Steemit to succeed and this Flag War, perhaps the biggest so far, only speaks bad of our Steemit System, a social experiment that was created to spread the wealth and to give everyone a voice.
Think of the minnows, think of how many people you and the whale supporting you could be helping. Other people (like you and me at the beginning) are starting very eager, with their hopes up and making a real effort to get some votes.
Don´t do it for the whales who flag you, don´t do it for the witnesses you support, don´t do it for me - your mirror - but do it for the minnows and the health of the platform.
After all, if we support minnows and newcomers, the retention rate will go up, it will only help our platform to go viral, it will help the Steem Price an dultimately those 80K SP you have could be worth millions.
I assure you, if you meet me half way, all the critics, flags, posts and all that crap will go away. I will help you with that, I will try to make people stop that, but please, meet me halfway.
How could we meet halfway?
I don´t like making a list because then it seems like I´m making a demand instead of a deal, but I can´t find another way of putting it, but don´t worry, it is a short list:
- Make 4 posts a day. Yes, I know you started on Steemit making 10 posts a day, but now you are earning a lot more than 2 cents per post.
- Of course, autovote on them. You deserve it, you´ve earned it.
- Yeah, of course the whale supporting you will vote on those 4 posts, that´s understandable, after all he is your main supporter.
- Please, use the remaining 60% of your Voting Power to help minnows like you and me 10 months ago.
- Ask the whale supporting you to do the same with that 60%... spread the love man.
Meeting you halfway means I also have to give something in return, right?
- I will actively work to stop all the memes and posts against you. As I told you, I have some - not much - influence in the discord group where I can find some of the users doing that. I can assure you they are good people, I know them.
- I have 7K followers, not as much as you, but I have some influence in the platform, I will work towards cleaning your name.
- I will try to serve as intermediary with the whales who are flagging you and we will try to put an end to the flag war. We will try to stop all the flagging to your content. After all, I know their reasons and understand where they come from, if you post less, stopping the flags is achievable.
- I will vote 100% on 3 posts of yours every week. You deserve organic votes and you will get them. I´m sure that when people see you posting changes, they will do the same and give you some organic votes.
You can do whatever you want, just remember your days as minnow. Remember how awesome was to have a whale voting for you.
You can bring smiles and perhaps food to other minnow´s table by spreading your vote. You can even save a life with your vote. A lot of people in some parts of the world can eat the whole week with 5 SBD.
Let´s do it for the platform. Let´s meet halfway for the minnows. Let´s find a middle ground so Steemit stops having these wars.
This is not about a personal issue with other people and it is not about pride. It is about making Steemit the best version it can be. Let´s do it together.
Please @Haejin, can I meet you halfway?
Give it a try, do it for one week as an experiment and see how it suits you, worst case scenario, if you don´t like what you see, you can go back to what you were doing. This is not coming from a whale, this is coming from someone who started just like you, with nothing.
If you deem it necessary, you can contact me on discord #8455 @anomadsoul. Or perhaps this post seems enough to you and you decide to meet us half way. I will notice it the moment you start and I will keep my side of the deal.
@anomadsoul. Once again you prove to be a solid, genuine person and I'm glad you wrote this.
Here's my 2 cents:
Haejin has proven more than once that he acts out of greed and with zero intentions of seeking peace or helping others on this platform. His selfishness and greed is an ugly sight and that is also the sole reason for the so called "haejin wars".
With 26,000 followers you think he would actually try to respond to some of all the comments and upvote some of his followers. In a way to "pay it forward" and show his appreciation for all the support he has.
However, he has time after time ignored his followers and everyone who has tried to communicate with him. He ignored and neglected those around him even before the "haejin wars" took place.
He even encouraged and requested his followers to participate in flag wars and I have personally drowned in flags from his army of minions who seemed to do nothing but seeking revenge and retaliation. I was flagged ~20 times or whatever it might have been, while I was trying to communicate with Haejin in a civil manner. And I am far from alone.
I cannot hold him responsible for the flags I got, because he cannot foresee or stop other people's actions... But he encouraged his followers to flag and people doesn't wake up to be managed. People wake up and wants to be lead by great leaders... And he is unfortunately a terrible leader who continues to pour gasoline on the fire by not changing his approach or mindset.
Even in his recent open response for @transisto's letter, he once again proved to be greedy and selfish.
And... I haven't even mentioned the rewards, rancho or the amount of posts. I'm talking about him as a social figure with several thousands of followers.
I know that you're a hard working person and I know that you're trying to work towards a better place and a better experience. You and I are similar in many ways too.
Newcomers and minnows are the ones we need to encourage and support. Just like you said. I guess it would be a good idea to make a compromise like you've suggested here, as long as haejin and rancho started to spread their SP across the platform. The community would benefit alot by that... But I wouldn't hold my breath because haejin has time after time showed me nothing but greed and selfishness.
I dont want anyone to be restricted on steem. Especially not Haejin. I enjoy his post and analysis.
Go to Facebook if you like sensorship and rules what is ok to post and come up with some Gods that get to decide who is good and who is evil.
Fuck telling anyone how much anyone is allowed to post and vote. Where are we? Fucking Nazi Social Media ?!?
Let Haejin post his content and get rewarded if people upvote him. Do i think his content is the greates in the world. No.
Or if upvoting and getting rewards is bad: Change steem! But don't change it for one specific guy. Seriously who came up with the idea they get to write policy of how people are supposed to behave here.
If you don't like content u can not vote. If u think something is fraudulent content or does not deserve the rewards u can flag.
I hope @Haejin just ignores all the "do this, do that" sort of crap and just keeps posting content.... I will upvote him if the content is useful to me.
Boy.. Haejin is promiting shitcoin and doing TA on them. He claims to be an analist for 15 years. How can he that elliot wave shit would work on that. It's just utter bullshit and he knows. Which makes him a fraudulant user deceiving people into making dumb dicisions. Ofcourse he needs to be flagged, stop your anti-censorship campagne this is just social consensus at play spotting a toxic user which takes down the steemit ecosphere..
If you see someone on the streets deliberately deceiving naive kids to do something what you know will loose them lots of money what will you do? Tell them or ignore the situation?
See the whole picture clear and stop feeling attacked by your morals of total freedam. Total freedom doesn't exist and never will. We are humans not godlike creatures.
I understand if you don't like his content. Then don't vote on it. There is ton's of content here I find crap. Does not mean I need to start attacking people for it.
I personally find his TA useful and I have made money from it.
I have also seen post on coins I don't like and thus did not like the content. He certainly won't get an upvote from me on it. However what gives me the right to not allow him to do TA on alt coins?
I dont vote on his content. And that you made money doesn't mean his TA is right. I have been in the TA field for quiet some time. Not claiming to be a expert of some sorts. More like an amateur. But if someone has 15 years of experience in that field. He would laugh his ass off looking at his TA. He's got more exposure to people so morally speaking he's gotten more responsability. Elliot wave theory might work on coins in the top 10 crypto over a time span of a year. But on coins with marketcaps of 10million. Give me a break. It's just BS an he knows it. On those grounds I think flagging him is justified, definetely.
U are free to compete with him if what he is doing is so easy to do. heck if u really do a better job than him i will even upvote you.
It seems you don't even get the point im trying to make? I am opening an ethical point of view on the situation wether it's abusive or not. If it is abusive or not depends on the road this platform wants make. Personally I think it's not the right way. I said nothing about competing with him.
This. Just absurd to censor anything that isn't illegal.
Besides TA isn't bullshit because many donkies believe in it. The thing is TA should be used to find entry spots. It shouldn't be the reason to go long or short.
I think you got some point there @knircky.
here here. totally agree with you. not that we want to follow Haejin, but somehow you always stumble upon him, when he's posting like every minute
hahahahha lolz dude
I did that every damn day. LOL.
Do you truly believe this is a "do this, do that" post? Did you read it?
Do you feel I´m restricting his behaviour rather than just politely and in a friendly way, asking?
I don´t think you read this post... I strongly encourage you to read it.
Btw: Hello, @knircky´s alt account, it would be nice to have a real argument about my post, not a general rant about what is happening around this subject. Also, if you are goint to upvote your rant that has NOTHING to do with my post, at least be subtle, this brings nothing to the table and, as I said, has nothing to do with my post. Read it.
It's simple. You ask Haejin to only post X amount of post per day and then ask him to perform certain action with his SP.
So yes that is "do this, do that" type of thing to me.
Explain to me why posting content that people love and getting upvotes is bad. Or how bringing users to steem every day is bad. Or posting content every day several times so people have a reason to use steem many times a day?
In fact I know of no other users that brings valuable content so consistently as he does.
I have a problem with you compromise and thus legitimizing the idea that restricting users is a good idea.
I find your ideas great. Making money and helping minnow is what I try to do here. However I do this out of my own choice.
Explain to me why we want to tell certain how to behave on this platform and why other not.
happy to have dialog.
ps. yes I read ur post.
Thanks for now taking the minutes to actually read the post and actually have a conversation about the post.
Compromise: An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
Thanks, google.
All I am telling Haejiin here is to take a look at the minnows, who like him and I, could get so benefited from vote spreading. I read all the other posts and he states he started earning two cents. Why not help other people who started like him? Why not help people they way he got help?
I am not demanging anything, as I stated at the bottom, anyone can do whatever they want and I am not someone who flags and if he decides to keep going, I will never flag.
It has nothing to do with that. I stated I´m not here to speak about upvotes, posting behaviour or any other stuff. I am here to discuss trying to make what is best for the long term health of the platform. That is spreading the votes, the wealth, the rewards and most importantly, to encourage all those users you speak about. What will happen when those newbies you speak about, get 0.1 cents in their first 25 posts? They will leave.
I don´t bring as many users as Haejin, or maybe as you, but every user i bring, i support him/her until they are able to swim these waters. Is it too much to suggest Haejing to do the same?
I am suggesting a way to end the flag war you speak so much about. This is a solution for the flagging. I am not telling anyone how to behave, I am offering a solution to this matter. The flagging speaks poorly of our platform, a platform where you, him and everyone else spends a lot of time and if it is in a constant war, all those users you support will get nothing out of it.
Again, you are taking this out of context. I´m not telling haejing what to do, I am offering a solution to the problem that started months ago and it yet needs to come to good harbour. A lot of solutions have been brought to the table and due to other circumstances they haven´t worked.
I will just leave you with one thought. If every whale and dolphin posted ten posts a day and voted for themselves, do you think that one week after there would be at least 5 minnows using the platform?
This is not against Haejin, I actually follow him since a long time ago, this is compromising to get our platform to be the best version it can be.
Thanks for the proper argument, I actually like when people bring this to the table, not just ranting.
Question for you: Lets say someone says:
Someone: " I know you killed someone"
You: "No I did not."
Someone: "Lets do a compromise: You go to jail for 30 years instead of getting the death penalty. Nice compromise huh?"
Again censorship is not cool. U are like a nazi declaring a jew evil and convincing them.
A compromise in this case is not ok.
Yes I love your idea of coming up with ways to promote minnows. Go vote for them that's all nice and sweet and I try to do it a bunch.
But making people that post content that brings value to steem post less goes against everyones interest who has a stake in this place.
Just because some people claim that haejin is doing evil stuff, does not make it so. So I am sorry to me u are trying to turn steem into a censorship. that the enemy of the principles that this platform is based on, so u are directly attacking this system in my book.
Again if you own a site u can come up with rules like this. if you are a dictator u can do this.
in a decentralized eco system u cannot. If u can the system does not work anymore.
Cool, then we could just request him to upvote others too, while posting 10+ posts a day. What do you say, @knircky, would you help us in requesting this to @haejin, please?
I know many people whose posts deserve much more than they're earning currently, and I'm sure @haejin could also lend a hand in helping them. Of course, no compulsion.
Disclaimer: I've yet to check haejin's recent outgoing votes, steemreports isn't loading right now. Last I checked was a couple of weeks back and I don't think there were many.
I just asked him to do so. We will see how he responds.
Change the code so that nobody can use more than X% votes on a single account. Don't tell people what to do. Draw the lines and allow them to do whatever.
Yes, that I think is a fair ask. To be fair, he does upvote others sometime. he votes for me and every once in a while (no im not a minnow).
I think working with people to the benefit of steem is great. And I agree every whale should foster the system and help minnows grow.
Ok, so right now the only solution that others are suggesting is to flag him into the ground. That’s within the rules of the system. How do you feel about that in comparison to finding a middle ground?
Yes u are right. Now I don't see a reason to flag him though. In other words I don't see a problem.
But technically everyone has the right to flag whoever one wishes.
That said flagging legit content should not be done and is unethical in my book, but certainly a right any SP holder has.
So I am fine with anyone that feels Haejin makes too much $$ to downvote him. That is after all what downvotes are for. I think it is bad for the platform, as haejin creates original content that is liked by many.
You gotta realize that flags are not censorship. The post does not go away when flagged, it just takes one extra mouse click to see... one more click of the mouse... not even close to censorship
I have followed you. :)
Impossible with the kind of content. Asking to consider declining payout or pick 100% Power Up is a better approach. I've been one of the earliest followers and 4 posts is simply impossible. Most of hist followers would agree with me.
I do respect you a great deal because you are the only huge account that took a real neutral position. Most people just acted like complete pricks ruining the experience for the readers.
Most complains come because of the votes of rancho. The best course of action is to make a protocol level modification that put a dynamic cap on earnings based on unique upvoters per week. In that way rancho's effects would be contained in a fair way applicable to everyone under the law of the code.
Don't point fingers at individuals. Code is law. Make a code that is fair for everybody. If you set it in a way that no account can use more that 40% VP on a single account. That's acceptable. That's also applied to Everybody instead of some big player or two.
I think you missed the point. It is not about censorship it is about selfvoting. I guess making 10 posts and given them 40% self-upvotes achieves the same.
The basic idea is that promoting steem is a good cause and voting abuse and flag wars dont help it. So as humans that have almost aligned interests we should try to find a civilised solution from that everyone benefits. If we wont then let the wars continue ...
You're missing the entire truth..
..but never fear friend, lies Are always Seen and all capitalists are eternally facing the same mirrors we a11 reflect on
Only the truth will ever Be and that's why so many trough-divers should be ashamed right now and wax on wax off internal mirror until crystal clear
Ya know.. to avoid eagerly and proudly diving after pig snot in front of A11 creation
among endless other reasons, all of which make us immune to capitalism once carrying truth instead of intentionally shattered and fogged mirror
Haha, I've never seen you getting so emotional on Steem, Phillie!! I think it's a good sign :-)
Also I believe you're right saying that we can't create rules for individuals here. Either we change the design and build a frameset for ALL of us, or we don't do anything at all.
I'm not a huge fan of flag wars either, but I guess it's the virtual version of neighborhood rows ;-) Like garden fence disputes 2.0. We could even create a new tag for that #gardenfencetwopointzero. To be honest I think the war as it's called here, is nothing to seriously worry about.... unless you don't have other interesting things to worry about in life :-)
I guess if @haejin had a serious problem on Steem, he'd take some actions on his own. Aren't we all adults and able to speak for ourselves? Well that's at least my point of view...
Big hugs from snowy Switzerland @knircky!!!
Much love, Marly xxx
Hahaha you are so right. Probably stupid of me to even repsond to this, but sometimes i just cant help myself.
Ill try to stay out of. As you said this will all resolve itself and if not we have bigger issue.
Have a look how asking a simple question ended for me they are nothing but a bunch of angry beggars
Technically Haejin is doing nothing wrong. You should really lobbying Steemit to change their upvote rules at a system level to truly solve this problem.
Yeah, technically all is good, which is why Im asking for a compromise, because in paper he is doing everything by the rule, in the practice this whole subject is helping to kill steemit :/
I don´t like bidbots for personal matters but if this post doesn´t reach @haejin, I may get some votes (at a loss) on the post to try to reach him. Sorry if someone doesn´t agree with bidbots, this is the first time I use them and I hope the last one, I really want Haejin to read this and I noticed he checks trending page oftenly.
Edit: 50% of the total rewards of this post were thanks to bidbot votes. At 9:25 pm PST I used the last 2 bidbots cause Haejin hasn´t seen this post (or at least hasn´t reacted). I think this payout can let my post stay on trending for at least a few hours more. I´m not using more bots, I hope @haejin reads this. Also I voted at 3% this comment so it is the first one anyone reads and wants to discuss my bidbot activity. This post is not for that, I sincerely urge anyone who wants to discuss bidbots to reach me on discord.
Sometimes a post needs some press to reach the right people, this could be the right time.
I too can't see any ground being made a present, and so it's worth (another) ago at this method. We shall see...
You are pardoned. This is a very important message. It needs to reach the right audience who it was aimed for.
I just wish he agrees to meet you half-way. Let these rewards spread out a little.
Either way, this is kind enough of you.
Keep steeming!
Hey man, I really hope this message gets to the ears it needs to... so far there is no response but I hope that a few more hours will do it. If not, I will have to boost it a bit more so it goes higher on the trending page :/
@haejin is a follower of mine so I will resteem this for you
I hope this mess gets sorted
Thank you for resteeming, I only want to reach a common ground where we can all do the best for Steemit.
It's absolutly ok. And I love how try to reach out shaking hands, having a conversation instead of flag-wars. Steemit should be a together and not a battleground. My deep respect.
Not gonna spam here, but I'm interested in your thoughts on @haejin using bid bots?
I sent some similar comment that got unfortunately ignored:
I'm almost certain the abuse would stop or at least become a ghost of what it was, since we all know the abuse and flagging (including my own) is because of the imbalanced reward-quality ratio and selfish greed.
Turn that over and steemit become a whole new world
I may even vote on some @Haejin post if he would do this. And I wouldn't have to make Hgin memes anymore. I could actually play Xbox for a change & not worry about being attacked for something I post on here. Hgin you need to get a sense of humor too. I wish I had some people making memes about me. That only means your're famous somehow at what you do. We would like you to laugh sometimes. Post about something else once & a while. Surprise steemit by talking about how to mine bitcoin or something. It is not all about buying it. Most minnows can't afford to BUY the coins. But anyone with a computer can mine it with GPU or CPU. I sold all the BITCOIN I had earned all from CPU MINING & invested it into #STEEM. That was years of mining. I took a lost on selling that. But I wanted to raise my SP so my votes would be worth more. I turned like $200 of BTC into around $1000 worth of SBD in less than 10 weeks. I think that is pretty good. My REP would be 60+ right now if it wouldn't have been for you getting upset & thinking everything people post is racist. You have made me want to quit #Steemit. But I am not a quitter. You only made me stronger & provide me new friends. P.S. I hope you enjoy my new post about you. I think they are VERY FUNNY. Ha Ha Ha… Talk to you next time Hgin
If someone like you, who is actively involved in the war, is up to compromise and even vote for @haejin´s post I believe there is a real chance for everyone to reach an agreement and to try to benefit the whole platform. Thanks for your comment, that joke in the end, not so much :P But agree, let´s have some sense of humor.
Maybe Hgin would make me some MAAAAAAASSSSSSIVVVE PROFITS!! by voting on his post? I'm not sure. But if him & @RanchoRelaxo were to vote on others it would do so much for everyone. 1% votes from them to thousands of random post a day would change #Steemit. It would bring more people here. He might become like the #SteemitToothFairy.
totally agree, and that's my beef with him. This could also then be applied to some other whales to share it around a little too.
Huh? You haven't been able to do that for quite some time.
Amen. If this nomad soul asked me to stop flagging, and I seen you and him meeting halfway. I will meet halfway the same as him. I will stop flagging. I would even upvote a couple of your posts along with him. I strongly doubt you will give credence to this, it is very accommodating though. A compromise is where both people walk away unhappy and feel like they lost something.
I'm with you all the way to the compromise part, haha, I think it's possible for people to walk away feeling good ;)
Haha, well the goal of a good compromise is to give both parties exactly equal portions of the pie, and to make them both feel like they got the biggest slice. Easier said than done of course though!
I'm with him.
This is the most reflected post I've seen about the ongoing haejin-war, and I give you my small vote and a new follower for this. I'll also reach out to Haejin referring your post, in hope he read me.
I came to Steemit because of @haejin, as I was trying to understand and learn the EW technical analysis of wich he is still the best to explain.
I had no intention being a blogger, but started posting my ugly charts to keep them in a line and being able to go back and see what I did wrong.
Getting a few active followers triggered me and suddenly I did not post only for me but for them also.
Being a minnow myself, I remember the first time getting more than $0.05 for a post, it felt really good. And when I got a comment upvoted to $2 I felt like it was heaven. I found it pretty devastating getting this comment in one of Haejins posts flagged by a bunch of people, and fact is I started looking for other places to hold my blog lately solely because of this.
My small earnings dissapeared in front of me, and I was pretty discouraged to be here, had it not been for my followers.
Some of them was also flagged, and especially one was flagged to zero value. I felt more sorry for him than anything else, and decided I would keep up since he was doing it.
Being a minnow it is of no point answering the shitposters in his comments, I found out the hard way. I have no power, and my word is basically worth nothing against a profile like Berniesanders.
Now I'm just doing my posts, helping my followers out and building a relationship with them instead of taking part in this war.
Both I and them would be really happy getting a whale upvote any of our content, and I think 80% of all stemians are in our position. Getting recognized is a dream for most of us.
I don't think he should restrict the number of posts, but a decline in payouts would definitively take off the edge of the war. And sharing out some love to the minnows would probably do Steemit more than anything else.
You are very on point with what you say, this is about the minnows and helping each other. This war is causing no good to anyone here.
I value this opinion because it comes from someone that @haejin brought to the platform and it is actually a follower, commenter and "student" of haejin.
I would really appreciate if you could reach out to him, or have your friends also reach out to him, and show him this post because even though it is on trending since yesterday, he hasn´t reacted in any way to it :(
Thanks for this comment man, I really appreciate you reaching out to me.
I just sent him a note in his wallet, and will also let him know in a comment, but he got lots of comments so it isn't sure he read them all even thogh he have responded to my comments lately.
I could not resist reaching out to this spot-on reflected post.
I will be immeasurably thrilled if this request for diplomacy is well received and results in a positive solution. No matter what happens, thank you @anomadsoul for making this attempt, you are a true example of the new and brighter world we were all hoping to see when we came here.
I was doubtful of posting this but reading comments from Steemians who have been here for a long time, it makes me believe we can reach a solution to this subject that is nothing but bad for our platform, thank you so much for your comment.
why do u think making rules that restrict one person over everyone else is a great idea?
Since when do we want to have censorship on this site? since when is creating value for steem a bad thing?
Show me one user that brings more users to steem than @haejin. Why in the world do u want to restrict him from doing what he is doing?
Bam! Three.
Dont think Haejins 26K of followers all came from outside of Steemit. Probably half...but maybe as few as 10K came from current Steemit users.
All I want is peace my friend. A site that I can be proud to share with the people I know and love rather than cringing at all of the constant drama and flag wars clogging up the feed.
This is easily one of the most reasonable, level-headed posts about @haejin ever written. I hope you actually reach him with this.
To have an account like this one say this, makes me believe a compromise can be achieved, thank you for the support, let´s hope something positive comes out of this.
I've read your post and this is how you handle disputes between people that are emotionally invested in this flag war. I hope this will make all of them see what's truly important on this platform and that we need to build a community in order for STEEM and the people to succeed.
I also hope that more people, not only Haejin, see the importance of giving back to the community. I truly believe that this is one of the main purpose of the platforms. I like money also, but I don't want to fill only my own pocket, so that's why I am giving back, I don't have a lot of steem power, but I try to give back as much as I can from it.
Remember : "Give and you shall receive" . Peace
There are many ways of handling disputes, there is no right or wrong. I believe the circumstances ask for this way, but that doesn´t mean that other approaches were wrong, maybe the circumstances were others.
Giving back to the community is the only way for the community to grow. If we grow as a community, each element grows and the price (what we all want) will indeed grow with us. I agree, give and thou shall receive.
Great stuff
Good call @anomadsoul, it's now getting out of hand. He did reply to @transisto which you no doubt saw which I think was a good start. Sadly some people continued with the racism after which they lost my support. If youre going to act as peacemaker and negotiator, which for what its worth you'd receive my full support, you need to get him and Bernie around the table, theres too much extremity, too much talking and not enough listening and a lot of collateral damage. I still blame the sytem for allowing him this freedom, Ive seen a couple of good posts today putting forward ideas which are constructive to try and combat this. Sadly many other witnesses and whales dont appear to, or are too afraid to get involved which is another issue to be sorted on another day. Head in the sand is not a viable solution.
Again, best wishes and thank you :-)
Yes, I read both letters which made me write this. I was thinking about doing it a few days ago but I wanted to see how this last week developed with the flagging. The letter from transisto and haejin´s reply actually helped me to make an argument here.
I believe Bernie wants the best for this platform and, seeing how things have developed, this could be a positive outcome.
Sometime whales and witnesses prefer to let things flow normally, kind of like the Maiar in middle earth, they can guide but they can´t get involved. At least I see it that way, its the community that has to come to good terms without the influence of the big players.
hey @anomadsoul,
I am and I always have been following the dispute or the so called "Haejin Wars" ever since. I do agree with you that there is very little chance of it getting sorted the way things went so far. You approach of finding a consens here is very honorable and adorable.
I personally do believe this is one of the best offers @haejin may get as this would - if he may agree to it - mean that STEEMIT platform as such would have a lot better chance of growth, hence @haejin in the end a more or less safe income on a day - by - day basis without having to worry about getting flagged and/ or disagreed on.
If he would be even giving back some "love" to the community I may even believe he could get things turn around his way - I mean he might be able to get organic upvotes from people how are willing to discuss on proper basis his thoughts and because of that agree or disagree with his analysis. That way he would eventually get in a win win situation too as he may be learning new things too. He might realize that few of his analysis could have been incorrect/ not accurate enough.
In actually agreeing to post only 4 times a day he would have enough time interacting with the community giving him the chance to explain his thoughts, hence actually convince people of his thoughts of his analysis... why am I saying that? Well lets say there is a lot of discussion out there about his data and many people do questions it.
I do not want to judge what he has been doing so far nor what has been done to him either. I only want to state this would actually be an decent offer and attempt to stop this whole thing and get people back together rather then fighting against one another.
What´s the saying? Make LOVE no WAR
I like you
Hello @anomadsoul
What a mediative initiative. Very mature and succinct. I hope @haejin accepts these terms so that this whole charade gets to stop. @fulltimegeek, a whale with a humane touch, needs to get back supporting the minnows. May God bless you @anomadsoul
I hope he accept it too.
You are right boss
This is really needed
Minnows are suffering and it's pricks my heart
The truth is, we all need to focus in the community, there is so much Voting power going to waste with these problems... Let´s hope the right people get to read this post and have an answer or even better, a post.
I can't agree more... These things should be fixed. Thanks
We heard and read bits and pieces about @haejin, but never really got interested and/or involved in the matter. From the gist of things, a compromise would be the best interest for the community and the ecosystem of this platform. Let's hope he reaches out or at least tries the one week halfway proposition out. You have done a great thing @anomadsoul and keep showing why you are an example Steemian!
Also, before we forget: thank you for your upvote on our recent post. Appreciate the love and help we are receiving from you. Lots of respect and love back to you! #onelove
This is really a great show of love and commitment you have for the growth of steemit and steem blockchain. I believe if this kind of proposal has been given before now, the flag war would have come to an end since.
Great one from you @anomadsoul
Wow, Steemit has a lot of problems..
How about this instead? You worry about what you are doing, and you let Haejin worry about whatever he is doing? If you wanna upvote minnows and what not than that is great, but that is you doing it out of the kindness of your heart. Haejin can do whatever he wants with his money/ up votes, and to my knowledge, is not doing anything wrong on the platform.
Interesting article.
I cant go anywhere on the crypto tags without seeing a post from Hajein.
Regarding the "wars" I don't know much about this as I have only been here 3 weeks but i get the gist.
Can I please ask - How where you gifted so much steem power? Is this from posting articles over such a period of time?
@anomadsoul, you are 100% role model steemian. You are definitely half human, half god.
Keep doing what you are doing for the success of your passion - Steemit blockchain and helping many people find good life with steemit.
Posterity will recognize and reward you greatly my Friend.
quarter god, don't give him a big head ;-)
Hahaha...we are left with an extra quarter, u know?
Lol, quarter monkey is fine with me. Or quarter tequila! But meh, no god here, only a minnow dressed as whale but don´t be fooled, I can lose my SP at any given time.
Lol...quarter tequila is the best!
That is the could choose to use the SP as others and also become fucking rich.
But you chose to bring people up with it...that is godlike.
Whatever comes, you know you have followers that are as devoted as they come.
Lol never half god, maybe half dragon? I can go with that :D Or as I told Nathen, half tequila :P
Jeez, now half dragon!
I think I will listen to @nathen007 and never make your head swell again.
You know you can be half anything you want my friend...Lol
Great try @anomadsoul. We need to get this cleared up before it completely sabotages the platform.
As I said before in a previous comment, there are a whole bunch of folks on STEEM that use this platform to support a mere basic standard of living... There is a large community of Venezuelan users who are going through terrible economic troubles, getting food and basic supplies is a struggle. STEEM came along and is helping to empower these communities. I really just hope these whales can begin to use their wealth to make the world a better place, there are too many greedy bastards out there as it is. STEEM can be a great place to HELP people. I post recipes, photos and random nonsense and I always upvote the people who comment on my blog. Lately a lot of the people who comment are from Venezuela and need the upvotes more than I do. It feels good knowing you are helping people on the other side of the planet, without even necessarily giving them anything from your own pocket, just some voting power that will replenish over time.... at the same time you are giving STEEM to people who support you, which will overtime grow their accounts and their votes will be worth more on your blog. Helping people makes the world go round here on STEEM. I just hope to see @haejin, @ranchorelaxo and even @berniesanders do more good with their massive pockets. Right now they all look a bit immature with the way they are handling the situation. They are in a position where they can truly be HEROs to many people in need around the world. I want to see some HEART!
Love WILL Prevail!
@anomadsoul this post here is a minnow who's post should not have been flagged by bernie.
Can you have a look and maybe upvote it out of the negative, if you feel so inclined. This type of collateral damage, ( exactly like the huge flags today against @em3's peace post), is not helping the cause:
Hello your for happy day is! You write goot post my like your very nisc my woow very so max!!@
Great post mate! I still don't understand quite well what's going on with his posts. At first I believed what I read about him and looks kind of odd.... So I decided to flag two of his posts. Bad idea, but I never flagged anyone before and wanted to give it a try. Don't know how it happened but my karma went down big immediately... Clearly there's a lot to learn about this community and how it works. What I definitely don't like is that I found lots of politics and wealth & power battles here. Seems like most of the people here is out to make some money and nothing else, I thought we were here to make a change. But nothing changes until we do. Cheers mate, let's go for that change!
Hello, im in steemit from January this year. My first post upvote @vortac, its was awesome,when i saw how from 25 reputation,I start be 34! He start help me everytime, I know if he didn't give me help,i don't be now 53 reputation. 17 February, my birthday and another whale @good-karma, make me present, he up vote me 100%.I was busy in this day,to cook and clean before the arrival of guests and when i saw $ my post, really i haved shock.Many people on this platform deserve to have upvote from whale. And i know for sure ,what its be the reaction. My Voting power everytime down, bcs when i see good post or somebody upvoted my post , i do the same. Everybody deserve be grown!!!
Thank you so much your initiation !

Hope this flag war end soon !!
Is anyone interested in seeing @haejin do a technical analysis of his own post reward trends and predict its trajectory, then bernie, and then me. Or whoever you find interesting. Comment below to have a user's rewards predicted
This is my post regarding the subject
I hope the parties involved in the flag wars can put aside their differences for the growth and development of the steemit platform.Kudos to @anomadsoul for this initiative .
This is awesome man. As a newbie I was confused and concerned about the two post that have been trending for the last day or so (and the cynical conspiratorial side of me was like "man... These guys are making some good money... Good for them I guess). I've read them both numerous times and I'm still at a bit of a loss. I've been following Steemit for a little bit now, and I'm still trying to understand the technology behind cryptocurrencies. However, I love the potential that Steemit has in both Crypto and Social Media. I really hope it continues to grow and realize it fully. Hopefully I can help it do that.
@anomadsoul, the post is written in such a way that @haejin, I believe, won't be insulted and at least unswer in the comment section or in Discord.
Hmm this is food for thought, @anomadsoul you are so selfless, keep it up
This is very professional of you, infact this is like a truce.
I know how it is, to earn 2 cent on a post ijfavt go to my last post now it's 19cent however I carry on hoping one day, things would change for me.
@anomadsoul you've approched this well, I've always thought fighting would lead to nowhere, instead it will brings nothing but bad bloods,
I will be happy if you both can get to that point of agreement thank you for this.
@Josediccus sir,
Sometimes when other ways are not working, a compromise must be done. I really hope Haejin reads this post man, I really do.
I always believe that a good deed will return even more good deed, I agree with all your statements here and the way you address this issue with @haejin, I hope this open letter reached him out and start to help the community. He must stop being greedy and help people like me or others out there who are trying very very hard for this platform... I agree with the specific details of example on how you guys can meet halfway, thank you @anomadsoul for taking this action in a not violent way of flagging or downvoting and I am hopeful that he listen and agree to this agreement.. All the best..
Oh man, Drama and the internet go together like peanut butter and jelly, huh?
I've found the Promised Land of the Interwebs. It's a cannabis enthusiast website, and nobody starts and flame wars... (Not accusing YOU of starting one. This was a good post, well written, and I hope you get a reply from the man himself, Haejin. I'd be interested to see. I personally lost a lot of Satoshi [in the short term] listening to his advice versus following my own gut feeling.)
I started following Haejin when the crazy Hillary-Shill Bernie Sanders turned on him...
I'm just a bitty little minnow, or maybe not even that, but I do appreciate your post. I've heard from others about this turmoil and am glad you are addressing it in a good way. Hope it works. I've already put my heart into Steemit and hope to see all of us work together. Peace and blessings.
@anomadsoul I follow @haejin and have seen the "turf wars" that have been going on. I have also been burned by the flagging and lost some of the upvotes I had received for replying to Haejins analysis. I think this is a great idea to try and find "peace". Afterall this is a special community and everyone is here for the same aim to grow, develop, learn and evolve as a unique community.
I hope a resolve is found that suits all parties involved. It's a great step forward. I wish you and haejin all the best!
I have read about this. Can anyone tell me why it is a problem to post 10 times a day? Is it that the content is of bad quality ? or is it that he is becoming too rich or influential. I am trying to understand the genesis of the problem. What are the rules and which ones are being broken. For those of us new or recently become active we see post like this and bots upvoting and whales down voting because of bots and its all confusing. Please help.
You might never read this, but I think your post is awesome. Truly. I love it. <3 Mmmm, I got no more words to describe it. I just love it.
I appreciate what you are trying to do. I see it slightly different and like to get my message out to those looking for a solution. I know it's not etiquette to post blogs but I just wrote about this and thought it was very relevant.
Wouldn't it just make more sense to address this at a source code level and make it so that no one could self vote, or vote for a single person, more than say 50% of your daily SP?
Oye @anomadsoul primero discúlpame por no dar una respuesta en el idioma base de esta publicación, pero quería decirte varias cosas.
Este post a mi vista fue una especie de diplomacia Steemit, que espero llegue a causar un impacto en esta situación de la guerra de banderas que no es mas que una pelea a puñetazos virtual.
Bien es cierto que si ellos emplearan su SP en apoyar a otros usuarios paulatinamente te cito:
Admiro mucho que sin que te afectara dicha situacion, pienses en la comunidad y des el mejor ejemplo para haejin, tu trabajo, tu historia en steemit la acabas de compartir y te felicito por siempre apoyar a los nuevos como yo.
Eres un ejemplo a seguir de lo que pensé y buscaba al entrar a steemit, una plataforma donde la gente se ayuda, una plataforma con usuarios unidos, donde prevalece la moral y las buenas costumbre y donde cada granito de arena que aportes es importante, donde mi voz tiene valor y me siento libre de compartir mis poesías y sean aceptadas.
Muchas gracias desde mi parte (yo se que no tengo nada que ver en esto), por intentar solucionar este problema y por ser un ejemplo para todos los nuevos usuarios que con esfuerzos quieren ganarse un nombre en esta comunidad.
Feliz dia querido Erick cada dia entiendo mas porque eres el crush de mi mama y mi tia jaja
@haejin @anomadsoul
I must admit, it's a scary thought logging in everyday, learning more about the platform and the community, and wondering if my content will ever matter on steem.
I rely on this platform now for my future as it's changed my life path forever for the better...
I'm not sure how it will go as far as my content, but as you too were both minnows... I believe in myself and my strength.
I believe in the fact that, I can get myself where I need to go.. Just like you guys did 👍✨❗
Very good post .
Seem you are talented the most .
I like this post dear . keep going on.
I hope i seen that type of post again and again.
Why are there so much resistance? He's just trying to help heal the community. I'm just a lowly minnow, but even I can see the havoc and destruction that is affecting the community. My opinion probably don't matter much, but hey?, we all want to see Steemit succeed.
╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ "Let's work together and hug it out lol
I want to tell my experience of frustration and anger that happens to me for making contributions through comments on Heijin's blog
a little bit of my story
More than 3 months ago I started in steemit, with the idea of publishing the analyzes I was doing daily because I felt that others would also be useful to me.
The idea of steemit is not to grow together? creating quality publications or comments, enrich the content with your opions for or against the publications?
Little by little I got to know other analysts of which I am grateful, learning from their videos and publications in steemit.
When I got to know Heijin's blog it gave me great joy to know that someone was doing so well doing analysis and I'm very excited to create more content and comment on their post
But I realized that we were few who contributed to the posts and did not understand why
Only hundreds of comments are seen saying thanks without providing content.
Little by little I saw that my comments received very few votes in comparison to the thousands of people who only voted to the post.
Soon after I saw that my few cents earned in each post were canceled by negative votes and there I get a big fight and frustration. And I pass in several post Heijin
Because one that provides content that serves another was canceled by another user?
Without considering the effort one puts in making an analysis or making a comment, and the time lost?
I decided to write to Heijin explaining and asking for help for all the users who were unjustly annulled his comments in his post
Of course I did not receive an answer, which frustrated me even more, there I began to read more and I found out about the "Heijin war".
I am not in favor, nor against, I just want to make known the situation of many users who want to participate and grow this good idea of steemit, but sometimes it is unfair and frustrating
I am new comer kawan.polong visit my blog good friend if there is a chance
You're right, this war has to come to an end. Innocent newbies like me are getting caught in the crossfire and it's so demoralizing.
I personally feel down when i struggle to put up a single post after 2 days and all i get for that is cents meanwhile people like @haejin are raking in hundreds of dollars on 10+ posts daily all on the trending page. I'm not jealous because i know if i keep at it like you guys i will eventually get there but everytime i see it i have to fight that urge to throw in the towel and give up.