Don´t take it personally man, I´ve seen your content and it is good, but this post is highly overvalued. And not overvalued by organic votes (which then the community is the one deciding it adds value to the platform) but by bidbot votes.
Yeah, I get sickened by toutube adds not letting me watch a video, i get sickened by google shoving up my face a plane ticket to a place I googled, I get sickened by Facebook telling me to like something based on my conversation key words. So yeah, I get sickened by paid content on steemit, which is supposed to be free of all the centralized agenda from mayor websites.
I don´t feel envious, this comment as I said is not personal, If i wanted I could use bidbots on every post of mine and get them not to 300 but to 600, but i dont do it because if the community is not ovoting them high enough, perhaps it does not deserve to be up there, dont you think?
I know you don´t use them a lot (bidbots) and I´m actually not against using once in a while on e of them to give some visibility to the content or the message you are trying to get through, but to use 6 of them and get it to 300? Damn, you could use one and get it to 80 and this comment wouldn´t even be here.
If you want to advertise or pay for exposure, that is why the "promoted" tab is there, to pay for exposure. Bidbots (for good or bad, I´m not the one to tell) are just a way of rigging the system.
Promoted doesnt work. Because you know< promoted content should be on the same feed like ordinary one, but Steemit Inc. never heard about it.
And so we have bidbots.
The bidbots and purchased delegation are being used my many people to take advantage of the SBD bonanza at the moment. I am not saying it's happening in this case but I know of other people that are doing this.