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RE: Opioid crisis in America is growing exponentially. Here's one way our Steemit community can take action

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Maybe, we should legalize all drugs like they did in Portugal. Seems to be working rather well for them.

Just because I am essentially a minanarchist Libertarian, does not mean I think we can inundate our communities with legal access to pot (which leads to other drug use amongst teens) and expect to not collapse as a society. Yet I do think the teaching and control needs to begin in the home/family, but the government/culture has invaded and destroyed paternal responsibility.

Do you not know how England bankrupted China by addicting them to opium. Asia is instituting death penalties for drugs while the West is encouraging the destruction of the society with them. History repeats as the cycle goes around.

It will not work out well. The crash and burn is accelerating for the West and Asia is rising to take the crown and render the West to Third World status. The zombie Flakka crack epidemic in the USA is reportedly mostly manufactured in China.

No harmful, recreational, non-medicinal drugs allowed in my household. Although I can not control what the offspring do outside the household. A father does not have that control anymore. This is one of the reasons men choose to not even attempt to be responsible fathers. What is the point? Facebook and groupthink peer influence owns your children.


IIRC, drugs were not illegal in the US until the 20th century and everything you think "might" happen didn't happen. I prefer to be free to make my own choices. There are many studies that say drug use does not increase with legalization. Have you even looked into what has happened in Portugal relating to this issue?
