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RE: Opioid crisis in America is growing exponentially. Here's one way our Steemit community can take action

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I wont even start on the fire arms fatalities...

Wise move. So then I won’t start on all the rapes from rapefugees and how any sufficient power (e.g. Russia) could overrun all of Europe like a hot knife through warm butter because you have no right to arm yourselves (and even the sycophants are proposing to arm the invaders!). Btw, the deaths from firearms in the white middle class areas of the USA are on par with Finland. The crime is an intercity problem, which Merkel is importing into Europe.

P.S. enjoy the economic collapse of Europe starting in earnest next year.


Igoring the suicide class, you are correct that homicides are more than 80% black deaths. With 13% of population being black, but 80% of homicides being black deaths, the black population is suffering from gun violence at a rate more than 10X the white population.

The black population should be rioting to stop the senseless gun violence that is decimating their neighborhoods.

Instead they are rioting - Black Lives Matter - to make it hard or impossible for the police to provide protections for the black community. The target of Black Lives Matter (and many on the liberal left) are the police who are trying to help.

TOTALLY BASS ACKWARDS. But did you ever hear the MSM saying anything negative about Black Lives Matter?



BlackAll Lives Matter.

I am happy that you are awake on that aspect.

Again I am very much in favor of parents and family doing first and foremost prevention and then if that fails of course intervention.

What I am against is the clusterfuck of the SJW’s death trap.

I am not telling anyone what they must do. Nature will take care of that teaching process. I am just suggesting others should look behind the bullshit at what actually happens throughout human history when humans think they can violate for example the power-law distribution of resources in nature.

We have all the data we need from a few thousands of years of human civilization. That is why I read for example Martin Armstrong. And he is by no means a misogynist or rascist.

I value happiness and success. I want that for every human on earth. The details of how to actually possibly attain that are important. It can’t be obtained with SJW and Marxist nonsense.

The welfare state combined with the drugs is what created the ghettos. Before that you can see blacks working in service stations pumping gas. (not to say that any race is only fit to pump gas, my point is merely they were motivated to work and had stronger paternal families) Dig into Catherine Austin Fitts (former undersecretary of HUD and Wallstreet insider) and the Gary Webb story (he wrote exposés on the San Jose Mercury newspaper and was eventually murdered for it). Ties into CIA running drugs, the Iran-Contra and Oliver North issue way back and how the CIA helped create this problem via HUD to create the ghettos.

And you realize if I keep writing about that then I will not be living much longer.

Come on people wake up! We live in a very corrupt world and you can not change it from the top-down via revolution overthrowing the government. We change it with decentralized technology and correct economics for prosperity. Correct free markets not corrupt fascism that we have now (which is not really free markets per se).

The French Revolution replaced the nobility with a new set of nobility. Revolution changes nothing, and is financed by the elite you are trying to overthrow, because they know that revolution provides an opportunity to increase Marxism and totalitarianism.

P.S. I will say that some cops are abusive. And there is more to say about this, but I will not go off on that tangent right now.

If the revolution replaces one elite with a new elite, that was a lot of pain for little overall gain.

If the revolution replaces one elite with a new elite, that was a lot of pain for little overall gain.

Which is often obfuscated as being some Utopian/benign/non-hierarchical Marxist commune, but it is always a power vacuum that sucks in a top-down control and privileged elite.

Unfortunately the youth are vulnerable to not understanding this. The following discuss this in detail. My X generation sandwiched between the boomers and the Millennials is too small politically to counter balance the Millennials.

Quora Q&A: Do millennials feel more entitled than previous generations?; and see also Dave Sloan’s answer.

The Rising Civil Unrest in America is Highly Dangerous for the Future

The Right to Vote Should Attach to Only Those Who Pay Taxes

British Election Backfires on May – Exit Polls Show Hung Parliament

Grenfell Protests – May Must Go

Jordan Peterson - Growing Up and Being Useful is The New Counterculture

Your link to "Right to Vote should be for those that Pay Taxes" was interesting.

I agree it is dangerous to have folks that don't pay taxes voting - they'll tend to vote for more free stuff and once they are more than 50% of the population, that is the end.

Next logical extension is the weight of your vote should be determined by how much taxes you do pay.

And at that point, fairly close to recreating the current upvote system with SP in Steemit.

And at that point, fairly close to recreating the current upvote system with SP in Steemit.

But for consensus about the longest chain in blockchains, we do not need anyone to decide anything, we just need to be sure we all choose only one longest chain.

Thus I was searching for an algorithm so that we do not have to give control to any whales (which both proof-of-stake and proof-of-work do). And I think I invented that algorithm.

Your link to "Right to Vote should be for those that Pay Taxes" was interesting.

Also I hope the example of Greece in my reply to @agcrypt gets you interested in those other links.

Next logical extension is the weight of your vote should be determined by how much taxes you do pay.

Which is thus patriarchy, because without unearned privilege then females spend time pregnant and caring for children, thus they will not accumulate as much monetary wealth as men (statistically that is). And also because biologically/psychologically men are more competitive in analytical pursuits.

There are statistical outliers and women should be allowed to compete if they can earn it (but without privilege most will not choose to).