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RE: Announcing Steemit's New Delegation Application Process

in #steemit6 years ago

I'm considering a downvote and burn program with @steemflagrewards but the requirements as you stated would seem a bit austere (especially for a part timer like me).

Hopefully, they are flexible in this especially those who essentially work in a volunteer capacity to improve the ecosystem and work to thwart the rampant reward farming without adding anything of meaningful value to the chain.

And I'm not talking about just disagreement of rewards. I'm talking about the stuff that is very pernicious to the blockchain work ethic.

I've noticed this from at least a couple ninja miners. Stake and take I like to call it. A form of riding on the backs of others solely on the basis of having a large stake.

I said it twice and I'll say it again. How is a moth attracted to a lamp lest their be a light?

We need more "light" on the chain if we hope to draw more people in. We need more folks willing to work to be that light and illuminate our chain.

Sure I know it seems like lofty talk but I do reckon there's something to it. Anyways, I know your interest in burning tokens and I'd be glad to work with you to integrate that into SFR if you are ever interested.

Posted using Partiko Android


LOL you don't grovel well!