Do you really want this place to be pay to play? Steem has so much potential and this type of thinking is what is preventing it from being actualized. I'm a bit of an idealist really. Something romantic about a platform where, in theory, everybody has an equal voice and authors are rewarded on the basis of QUALITY! If you create quality, you will be rewarded. Sounds good in theory but where did we go wrong?
I, for one, have said it once and said it again that I have ABSOLUTELY no scruple with a 0 SP user making a hundred dollar reward if they produced something exceptional.
But the problem here is you have a slew of scammers that are getting rewarded through employing "advertising" services for nothing exceptional. It's a damn shame but it is quite reassuring to see more people that think like I do being more vocal about this issue.
What if you could pay a "service" to give likes to your Facebook post? Perhaps, there is and I wonder how you would feel about that. These tricks are used to confer to the material an artificial quality, perhaps a semblance of quality or popularity but, more often than not, it's just hype. We have reduced a potentially much more inspired blogging community to a sick sort of cash grab for those that whore themselves to (deceptive) marketing tools.
In the process of creating something that will help through incentivization of good flags and have started a no self voted promotion service. These things may help but to effect significant change in the current design would require a change of heart from the top down.
But how does one convince the one that has the gold egg-laying chicken to give it up for the greater good and therein lies the problem. If one bid bot stops, they are going to go to another.
If the community were to get behind an antibidbot (one that targets posts stilted up on paid upvotes), then there may be hope yet. There are also a less drastic approach I am considering and that is we create a new Steem front end that specifically filters out self voted and bid botted posts. They can play in their own echo chamber. We don't have to play ball. We just need o collectively opt out of supporting them and I believe things will change.
@br0, I'll keep on keeping on. If we all work together, we can change this place for the better. I'll do what I can