It's ok for you to write about this, just as people can write about flags. Or upvotes.
A lot of drama has beena going around who is allowed to flag whatever, or what is allowed to be upvoted with certain power.
Sometimes for good reasons, sometimes for stupid reasons. Just like I can flag any purple photo if I want, it might be fine, but there are certain times when someone might have a stupid, flawed reason behind the flags.
Someone can flag someone for not doing enough for the community, while the flagger himself appears to do less. One flagging someone for too few views is pretty much socialism at it's best. Just like complaining about someone getting paid more while working less hours. "A doctor should get paid as much as mcdonalds employee becaude they work same amount of hours!!!"
Using your own money however you see fit is the farthest thing from socialism.
Damn, I was hoping you wouldn't bring that issue up. Just trying to paint someone as socialist to make him look worse.
A cheap shot.