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RE: My proposal to Synereo dev's: relocate your base to Steemit!

in #steemit9 years ago

Hi @thecryptofiend , thanks for reading my proposal! You shouldn't worry about the AMP price, because it doesn't matter. The proposal is aimed at the remaining capital from Synereo. In other words is focused on the remaining subyacent value of the project. This means, Synereo dev's would have to cease operations, stop allocating capital on the project and just allocate the remaining capital divided AMP tokens for the sole pourpose of offering a convertion into STEEM. Actually they could use Synereo's remaining capital to buy STEEM (or better SMD) and then make the calculation against AMP.

AMP will go to zero if they don't take action, so they better accept the proposed solution (or other in the like).