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RE: Welcome to STEEMIT... A house of SHit PoSt where only shitHEADS are CROWNED with gLoRy

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello Nicholas, you see that’s the problem I’m having with the way you express yourself. I misspelled a word, and I don’t believe that you really Had to be a smart arse about it. English is not my first language, misspellings happen here and there. I am not pointing out the dozens of grammar errors on your posts am I? That’s not the point of the conversation. It’s completely unnecessary unless your goal is to try and bully me for having an opinion. I was trying to share my opinion and perhaps point out that there are better ways of getting your point across and well, your response was less than cordial. No problem, I know where my time is being wasted. Good luck with your posts! My interest in this thread and the post itself is over. Thank you!




Guess my humor gone bad.....

decentivize (is that even a word or did I just make it up) 😅

I honestly thought you were just being humorous and i thought of complimenting the humor...
I'm so sorry if you took it the wrong way,
English aint my mothers tongue and i aint even perfect with it either....
I flaw nearly everytime i write

but honestly this wasnt a form of mockery....

It sure sounds much better and Now been added to my dictionary as the opp of "incentivize" lol...

That clearly wasn't a form of mockery, i think you being too serious reading this shit
Take a break
deep breathe
Relax and reread the comment..
You should see it in a different view

once again am so sorry if it hurts your feelings, please dont take it personal...
if mama gets to find out, she may not give me gritz for breakfast

My apologies for reading into it a bit much. I still hope you don’t get grits for breakfast though (sorry, not sorry) 😆🏳️

too late....

mama found out...

but good thing papa already made it :-)