Yes, yes, yes, my friend. Not only do I love the art you produce I agree with what you are saying here. Like anything that gets created, how people use it will determine what it is. That is why I don't encourage the b.s. that I sometimes come across here.
Like any other platform,without proper curation it will become a place of fart jokes and using other's intellectual property as a means to get attention.
So with that said we have a responsibility to this amazing platform and community to not only produce great content, but also to mindfully curate the content of others. With every up-vote we give we are saying, "Yes, this is what our community needs more of."
This is why I don't upvote people when it is unclear whether the content is their own. I see a lot of posts where people just surf the web and find someone else's work to post here and get paid for it. That drives me nuts. It is one thing to show the work of someone else if you are writing an article about their work or promoting their work with links in your article. It's nice to get a shoutout and have people find you because of someone else. However just posting their work to get upvotes is not okay. I wish everyone would agree to not upovote that type of thing.
We need to make a way to easily separate the gold from the trash.
Thank you for your input in this amazing journey @elohprojects. I hope we will all sculpt this community into something that we can be proud of. I know we have the potential. Keep dreaming big.
That is definitely the intention @art-mess. I came to this place like "whoa, what an amazing opportunity" and there is still that fire but after seeing literal pieces of clipart being passed off as legit I became aggravated. Instead of feeding it by giving it attention I have chosen the path that you suggest here. I don't think we can do away with the stuff in general but we certainly can off set it by putting out insightful, well written and highly organized content. So long as there is enough of that to satisfy the "believers" then the community will remain healthy. If great content producers can climb high enough together then there is the opportunity to start actively resisting poor behavior. But until then tribalism seems to be the most legitimate and effective way of being seen. Obviously, without the use of bots and scam dynamics.
Well said.