At a rep of 73, I thought you are a whale; I've never seen it explained what makes a whale a whale. My apologies for that.
I entered this argument at the post of @dbroze. If I may quote what he said:
Ya, it does appear that he mostly has a problem with vaccine awareness (and posts exposing pedophiles)
So I had, I think, a fair basis for my statement about being pro-pedophilia.
Add to that the comment (in the same post) by @canadian-coconut:
I looked at his report, and see that he flagged another great Youtuber, SGTReport, for talking about Pedogate. It is so sad that he chooses to flag the people that are trying to help children the most.
I am scandalised, but not that you are "defending him", I am upset that I am coming across so many who are being hurt and nobody wants to do anyhing about it. I already mentioned that us minnows struggle to find a person to read our posts; expecting us to contact hundreds so as to gather enough to support us is not the answer for minnows. At your level it would be easier to organise something like this.
I keep on seeing you argue against stake-weighted voting. I am not against it and have not seen anyone else speak against it, though someone may have done so. I am against the system of flagging.
This is very much like giving the bullies at school the right to punish anyone, at their sole discretion. I still believe there should be a group who have the power/ability to reverse what happens when a flag is unfair and just plain malicious.
I also have the feeling that if I upvoted someone, even if only for one cent, taking it away from them is not only a possible theft against them, they are also stealing from me.
If there is a way I can help, I will not rave and rant, and I will do what I can. My problem is I do not usually offer because I cannot go on chat (I have set up my pc for max security, so I cannot watch most vids and no chat).