In the anti-semite wagon you go, Mr Corbett(If that is your real name) ;)
Seems they are finally catching on to the places were we really get our info from and I think they have bitten off more than they can chew when trying to tar and feather people like yourself. I think this tactic should blow up in their face but unfortunately there are many folk who still take the Beeb as gospel, how sad...
Keep doing what you do best James and give my thanks to Brock and J.E.P. for me. You guys are the shizzle dizzle, as the kids would say.
You may, or may not, be interested to know that my daughters school had a visit from our very own MP, Anna Soubry and she allowed the pupils to ask her questions. As the teachers have no love for this conservative hag, who openly supports things like Brexit and Fracking, they asked the pupils to get questions from there parents. Now, my daughter knows how I despise politicians and asked me to think of a good question, to which I supplied her with a simple question, asking Mrs Soubry about her stance on fracking. I live next door to Attenborough nature reserve and this has been earmarked for possible exploratory investigation. As the government seem to have changed the rules on fracking around SSSI(Site of special scientific interest), allowing them to slant-drill from outside the perimeter, I thought this would be a very appropriate question to ask her and would help to give the school-kids a good idea of the beast in front of them. Predictably, the questions ended up being vetted and all that was asked of our MP were questions, such as "How did you become an MP?" And "Do you think Brexit is a good idea?" These vomit-inducing Q's had equally nauseating answers and now our children have had their first lesson in political propaganda, just a shame that most of them have parents who can't see the woods floods through the trees :)