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RE: @jedau's Great Steemit Purge of 2017

in #steemit7 years ago

You know this was actually one of the "pros" when I was weighing a list of pros/cons when I switched over to the new account. I had 800 followers and was following 130+ and I noticed the same thing, namely that I was missing content - or more specifically the person behind the content - because my feed was filled with tons of things and lots of other people who I was following were resteeming and clogging up my feed. I think this is a good move - for me I also decided I am only going to make comments that I feel like making, in other words, I'm not going to go whale chasing (I'm not judging that) and constantly commenting on all their posts hoping that they'll eventually take a notice to me - I primarily don't like it because it feels fake (it is fake to a degree!) and inauthentic which is the thing I dislike most about Steemit.

On another note, I finished another piece of art that was standing in the way between me and our collab lol (but I still have 3 more to go!)


Switching over to a new account does have that benefit of starting fresh. You're already off to a great start there, brother! Only good things from here!

No pressure there! The discussions are coming along great, and I think it would be for the best if we let it run its course without rushing anything. I'm definitely psyched about getting it going though!

I agree, the future is looking bright! Looking forward to discovering the awesomeness that awaits us together!

I'm with you there! Onwards and upwards, brother!