
Excellent artwork and very creative description. Resteemed!

I really don't know what to say. That is amazing!

A hot and spicy cheers to you Mr Pepper and Fam! Safe travels guys. Have fun and well wishes on your Mexico adventuring!
@papa-pepper is traveling my friends so that means he is probably gonna have some really good updates soon -as his travel posts usually do. Go check him out if you have not already!

Wow! An extra promo plug for me! Thanks. You should see some of the crazy creatures that we have found and will be featuring in my Wild-man series. The @little-peppers just made a "sneak peek" post about a few of them!

ahhahahahahaha@papa-pepper is LEGEND!

I love it! How creative- and accurate!

I would like to nominate @TremendosPercy for a drink. I would like to call it the Down Under. It is a fizzy shot of tequila with a floater of Baileys. But served in a mini champagne flute that has a whale with a minnow rising from the blow spray :) Because, it's @tremendospercy. Thats why!

I have no idea what drink I would Anyone have suggestions?

WOW, Now that is what I am talking about! This is the leading drink recommendation currently, thanks for the description, it makes for a good art brief.

I am 3 fishes away from my 800. So the bar is closing soon ;) look for your drink at last call...(followers thank you post)

I've been accused of being descriptive a time or two ;)

Sweet! Thanks!

Hello again - could I direct your creative genius into being a judge for my coloring contest? Contestants only have 24 hours for collecting votes and they could use your eye balls.

coloring pages

I thank you for your time in advance. I think you will like what the artists have come up with.

Cheers again,

Done :)

Thanks so much! You are so wonderful xD !

now that's a CRAFT BREW!

I would definitely buy a sixer of that.
Love this concept.
Can I recommend myself?
Something pixel art related!

Sure why not!? Did you want me to come up with something myself or did you have brew taste/type preferences?

cool concept of a papa-pepper beer :)

Thank you! I am taking requests if you have a steemit user that you would like me to turn into a drink let me know. Let me know what flavour/type you believe they are.... from what you know of them I mean.

My personal preference is an IPA or a bourbon

I just want to know who on Steemit would be a ‘Pan-Galactic Gargle Blast’ and how would you go about making one.

Probably @stellabelle. Sadly missing more than a few ingredients on this planet to make that galactic cocktail... I may need your towel for a couple weeks to complete that drink.

I cant think of a more perfect person!

The bartender always knows :)

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