There are some ways by which you can check if a News is Fake or Real. It could be just Market Manipulation and you could play right into the hands of the Manipulators.
So today I am going to point out some Methods by which you can Check if a News is Fake or not.
The first thing you need to do is check who has written the Article you are concerned about. Is the writer of the Article credible or just some nobody who is spinning out News. If he is credible you need to see if he has cited the Source of his/her News.
Sources are very Important in the News Business as they give credibility to the News.
2. Read the Entire Article
What I mean by this is that you should read the entire Article not just the Headline of it. Most of the Time Headlines are made so as to gain more Clicks, this is what is called ClickBait. The title might read The End of Bitcoin? with a small question mark at the End which you might have ignored. So read the entire Article for the Full Story.
3. Check if an Article is Sponsored
Most of the Times organisations pay News Writers to defame Someone or Something and the News Writers are happy to do so. But while doing it they are obliged to give a Disclaimer that the Article is a Sponsored Article. You should check for those in an Article too as a Sponsored Article is most probably going to be Biased.
4. Fact Checker
Finally, there is Google's fact Checker which could be used to check if a News is indeed a Fact or just some random BS.
I am sharing these Ideas with you guys so that you can know what is Real and What is Fake. Right now the Market is completely taken over by FUD and I just want to spread some awareness in any way I can.
I hope you guys liked this Post of Mine.
See you Guys in my Next Post.
Your bang on with this post, so many rumours and articles get thrown out onto the internet just to grab a bit of ad revenue from the additional traffic or even deliberately attempt to manipulate market movement. Very good points, well worth taking note of thank you.

I am kind off desperate in my Own way. I am from India and I see how our Media is screwing everything just for their TRP's.
I used to read Newspapers when I was in School as our Principal strongly suggested we read one Daily so as to brush up on our English plus to know the News.
But that has Changed.
It has been about a Year since I have even bought a Newspaper in India. The Newspapers are full of BS and it really pisses me off when I see BS stories.
Nice post@arunava,maybe need little correction, why,how and for what, answer it's with our surrounding of P - that stands for people, peace, and their politics..@indian-mom
I like Posts to be Fragmented.
Plus I have a Post in Mind for all the FUD that is happening right now which kind of correlates to Why all this Fake News?
I am planning to write it Tomorrow.
Stay tuned for it.
Great@arunava, don't plan, let it happen on its moment, of mind, work the process in positive. @ indian-mom
I agree with your assesement, but I need to point out that a fact checker can be biased as well; therefore using more than one fact checker is very wise and probably a must.
I should have considered writing that.
That's a nice thinking.
I will update the post.
Thanks a lot.
Many of the bigger "fish" are trying to use the media to undermine Cryptocurrency. Look how far we have gone? Square now allows anyone to buy and sell Bitcoin. Robinhood is rolling out trading in Bitcoin and Ethereum. Singapore Airlines is ready to launch blockchain-based loyalty wallets. Dash started this year with 20 integrations and partnerships in January alone.
Even Russia is a huge investor in cryptocurrency, so why all the hate and fear? I'm telling you, there's a conspiracy...
I think so too and I am currently thinking about a Post I am going to write for Tomorrow.
Although Instead of Conspiracy I feel like it's a Coordinated Attack.
Even the larger publishers like Coindesk or Cointelegraph have published pieces of work where they have a conflict of interest or have invested in the specific coin without giving a disclaimer. Be very careful about news that tries to shill too much.
This is something @Cryptovate wants to stop and we want to share news and coin analysis to provide individuals with the resource available for them to do research and make informed decisions.
I know that some of the Articles are total BS that's why I rely on my own News acquiring Capabilities.
I have developed a keen nose for smelling out BS News lately. So I tend to stay away from those.
that is all.
I agree lol
LOL, don't be that Criticizing towards Media Outlets.
What I do hate about them is that they are standing at a Neutral Position when it comes to Cryptocurrencies, they are publishing both Good as well as Bad Content about Cryptos.
But as Human Beings we have a tendency to see only the Bad news. So FUD spreads.
cryptocurrency is a great example of what i mean. they have been spread fud since the end of december driving investor sentiment down. now the news is positive, price starts going up again. pure manipulation of people and not simply reporting on the facts. they are propaganda outlets of the deep state that actually runs the world. you need to read or re-read '1984.'
There are many Factors that are in Place for this recent Fiasco.
Whale effect - they just want Cheap bitcoin to buy.
Media Effect - They just want TRP's
Political Effect - They are scaring first so that they can collect taxes later.
Bank Effect - They are simply scared of Cryptos.
Everything is fake nowdays... fake lips, diet, boobs, news, people.. We kinda got used to it sadly..
Lol that's a new way of looking at things.
I like how you think.
I love your post,,very well post dear friend @arunava
One of the reasons I stopped using Facebook is because of fake news. Facebook is a place where some nerds just wake up one morning and decide to make up some shitty news just to get cheap likes. I got sick of the 'news' and I stopped using the site you about 8 months.Nice post there @arunava
Yes it was a common occurrence. Not only on Facebook but on WhatsApp too.
I used to get messages like
And I am like For Real the Government has nothing better to do.
Lol. How pathetic is someone calling himself God and asking him to like/share his post so as to avoid seven years of bad luck? 😂😂
Yeah, that is Lame too. I get those Messages in Whatsapp on a Daily basis.
the decline cannot be prevented without cutting this news
Everything is about Experience @omerserhanozugur the people that are leaving the Ship because of this FUD are the Newbies and they lack experience.
Although I am not a Veteran but I know better that it's not time to sell rather to buy.
This is so very important! When I was a history teacher I always tried to teach my students to check the facts and not believe everything they read. Nowadays this is so important. There is so much fake news and not only recent. Many countries try to rewrite history books.
Rewrite History Books that's a nice thing to say.
I am an Indian and we have two famous Battles in our Bengali History which we remember.
Mahabharata and Ramayana.
But these Days so many Versions of those Battles are coming out that it's hard for me to know which one is real and which one is Fake.
All of the Versions keep the Beginning and the End same but add a lot of Spices in between to make it Entertaining.
It's like making Fake Currency Notes which are not Original because they lack something in them.
I like your comparison, but it is really very sad.
I am a historian, and I have seen so many history books being rewritten or pictures that have been photoshopped. For instance during the revolution in Russia (1917) Trotsky plaid an important role. After the revolution, he fell in disgrace and Stalin removed him from the pictures made during the revolution. As if he never existed.
Stupid politics.
I really feel that the next generations will not even know what our Real history was.
Where we came from and what our Ancestors were like.
good tips, so we all know where the original news or fake news.
I hope you are able to spot a Fake News from a Mile away.
yet still you can't know for sure how fake or not news are, can you? :)
Ofcourse I am not a Lie Detector to detect anything but I do have some common sense.
If someone says that he just came back from the Moon I am probably going to Doubt him.
You just need to apply your own Common Sense and ask yourself is this Possible??
I recently wrote a post on fake news in Steemit. We have a huge responsibility here to stop spread of fake news within the network, specially people with high SP
I just spotted an Indian Guy who wrote a post about how Bitcoin is banned in India as per FM's budget speech.
These are the Guys who just copy paste stuff from Internet Articles.
I am pretty sure most people who claim fake news, do not perform any of these tasks!
Nowadays anybody can open a website for less than 5 USD and start posting Articles. That guy has no reputation to lose so he/she might write anything to get views and not get Judged.
But a Major Ad or News outlet can't do that. They always like to Cover their own Asses before Pulling the Trigger.
So you will almost always find a Disclaimer in reputed Newsletters.
Didn't know about fact checker. Thanks.
look for Google Fact Checker as there are several Versions of it.
I think the key is to stop and think about what the news article is claiming. What do they offer as evidence for their claims? And do you have good reason for trusting that evidence?
Media people are quite trick in this aspect. Sometimes they will say it's a Unconfirmed Source which I think is Total BS.
Sometimes they will say Confidential Source which I think is Code for I know something is wrong there but I don't have the Proof of it so I will put The CI tag on this News.
Lastly it's the Confidential Source inside the Target in this case I tend to believe a part of the Story as they are openly saying that they have a CI inside which seems kind of legit.
Judging these things can be pretty complicated - sometimes a journalist could be telling the truth, sometimes not, and either way your decision is based on how much you trust them. How to asses that though?
What's uncomfortable for people is that most of the time we should just be saying "I don't really know if this news is true or not", and then apply something like ockham's razor as well as looking for flaws in the logic of the story.
At the end of the Day, you need to use your own Brains and Judge the fact.
Either its true or not.
These steps work, but sometimes the level of the fake professionalism is so high that it’s almost impossible to check that. Just because we live in this digital 🌎
That is so true.
We live in an Era where you can Forge Passports and other I'ds with some stuffs.
So it is quite possible that there are Fakers News that is so Realistic that you know off find yourself at a loss.
But those will be very Rare.
At least I believe so.
Great tips. Sometimes I swear some people just read the headline of an article and then maybe a paragraph or two. If they read the entire thing, then they'd probably be able to tell it was fake
Disclaimers are always at the last.
So that nobody reads it.
Thanks for sharing this man! We need awareness of how the internet is spreading fake news. A lot of people are still getting fooled by this and spreading awareness and educating ourselves on how to spot the lies and truth is a big step toward a better online community.
Have you seen some pages where they say that this Guy earns 20000 USD a week click here to know how?
I found my Face plastered on that Ad.
I was earning 20k USD per week and I didn't even knew it. That's how weird the internet has turned out to be.
Seem like everything is fake these days . News, people ( robots AI) , Food , President, * heavy sigh *
Lol President!!
It's the Age of Fakers.
Fake news is all around the place these days, Specially Whatsapp OMG it's sometimes so confusing what to believe and what not to. And even better are the manipulative headlines, The Indian media has gone bizarre I can say :-(
I know Indian Media has gone Bizzare.
I can say for sure that most of the High end Media Heads are Buying up BTC like Crazy right now.
Its sad to say but There are hardly any real Journalists left in our Country.
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