I think the original content is important to everything in this website. The rest of things happen in time.
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I think the original content is important to everything in this website. The rest of things happen in time.
if we can only take the work of others for what? we should be proud of the results of our own work, whatever the outcome, we should be proud, what difference us with the thief if we can only copy the work of others

Simple logic so you are right :). But we should take advantage of the experience of whales.
You are right @atakan57, we learn from the whale experience is natural, but what we want here is none of us who take the work of others, do almost the same thing is legitimate, but it's true he did it himself, instead of copying. I learn a lot of photos from others, and my photos are almost the same as them having , but the results I post are my work, that's just an example, I'm so happy to get acquainted with you
Thank you @denni.japro. Mee to. Good Luck :)