I've always been a rather proud person. Definitely when it comes to asking favors from others.
I got raised, being pointed out it's something you just don't do, and I never really questioned it until recently.It's kind of funny that the person, who taught me this, was actually the person who was asking the most favors!
Either way. A few years ago I got asked to bring my mom to a certain location again, where she'd take the bus to go on a holiday and when I told her I couldn't,she got mad at me.
That moment it struck me that on the one hand she was taking me for granted, and on the other hand I expected appreciation and respect in return for the things I did for her. So we were both doing the things we did for selfish reasons!
So that was my wake up call. I decided from then on I'd only do favors if I could do them from an angle with no expectations.
What I realized is, when you decide to do a favor for someone, you feel good because you were able to help the other person out with something they couldn't do themselves. That by itself is a nice enough reward. This doesn't mean we should just do anything for anyone of course!
On top of that they themselves will be more likely to help you out in the future as well. It shouldn't be your goal but it's a nice benefit either way, wouldn't you say?
When asking for a favor yourself on the other hand, you actually might get people to like you more if they end up doing it! This psychological effect is called the cognitive dissonance effect, where a person holds simultaneously 2 or more contradictory ideas, beliefs or values. Because why would you have done a favor for someone you didn't even like to begin with, right?!
Let's try this! :p "Let's all just upvote this post so it gets that nice top spot on the trending page... euhm...please?" (like that's ever going to happen, but hey! A girl can dream, right?!). No but for real, feel free to show some love to this post if you liked it! It would mean the world to me! <3
I also want you guys to drop links to your favorite posts (can be both of yourself and of others! Let's spread this Steemit <3 ye?!
Here are some other posts you might like!
How I got off my couch and started to run: https://steemit.com/health/@athenajade/couch-to-5k
On how language influences us: https://steemit.com/psychology/@athenajade/do-we-speak-the-same-language
On absolute truths: https://steemit.com/psychology/@athenajade/debate-1-is-there-such-a-thing-as-an-absolute-universal-truth
On the limitations our conditioning puts upon us: https://steemit.com/life/@athenajade/this-inner-cage-called-conditioning
On growing our own potential: https://steemit.com/life/@athenajade/whatever-you-are-doing-you-are-getting-better-at-it

When asking people for favors I usually shoot a really difficult one first and then later go around asking them for the real favor I needed, not sure what this is called exactly but 50% of the time it works every time!
Hey, btw. Could you do me a favor and tell Athene to give me a shout-out to my non-existing twitch channel? If not then its okay I understand if its too much to ask...
PS. Could you do me a favor and tell all your Youtube subscribers to create a Steemit account and follow mine? ;P
IIRC it's a psychological trick that makes them think the second favor is appropriate or easier as they tend to compare it to the first fake one you made. But in my experience it also doesn't always work. :D
Hahahaha!💗 Will see what I can do! Stay awesome brah!
So... I might have actually done that shout-out... Like maaaaaybe... 😆. I also checked w the bf and he said the day I start making 15-25k on a regular month base he'll consider it lol!
Guess I have my goal set now, but it isn't going to be anytime soon though hahahah 🤣
Either way tnx for everything and stay awesome!😘
Steem love to you too!
Thanks! I appreciate it!😘
Followed you
Its amazing how just asking for upvotes....gets you upvotes...
what a time to be alive!
Ye I know right! Did not expect it to actually do something!🤣
I go about things the same way!
I agree we have to be careful sometimes as people tend to take you for granted.
Overall a very good post. I generally try not to ask for favours from strangers but I also try to help others so I think in a way if you do good, good things may happen to you!
Nice post... 🙋
Thanks for sharing the info ☺️🙋
Pleaae do check out my recent post and upvote and resteem if you like it... https://steemit.com/food/@teenz/great-indian-food-basket-1-pani-puri
Lets spread the Steemit love 💗
Done! Nice recipe and post you got there! Thanks for sharing! <3