These are two unfiltered photos captured on a iPhone 7 Plus. The question iv been asking myself as I map out my future is, where would I rather be? The mountains, or the beach?
Here are my current thoughts. I’d rather live in the mountains with trips to the beach every so often, rather then live on the beach with trips to the mountain every so often. I enjoy the variety of smells, sounds, and scenery the mountains have to offer. The ocean has a certain calming rhythm about it, but for me I’d take the diversity in the mountains.
Leave me a comment sharing your thoughts on where you rather be, the mountains or the beach. Share your vote, and reason why.
Free vote for you! Yay!
Thanks, hope to hear what’s your favorite place.
Enjoy the vote and reward!
Thanks I appreciate it.
My wife and I discuss this all the time! We just moved from the Midwest to Washington state. I needed the mountains and she wanted the ocean too. We both like the green, rain and the temperatures are much milder than where we grew up!
Best decision of our lives was to actually make the move away from everyone we knew and live our life in a way that we don't need vacations from it!
That’s awesome, Washington is a beautiful place,and if you’re on the cost you can easily get the best of both world. The beach is no Caribbean, but still beautiful. I have been to Bellingham Washington a few time and think it’s a beautiful place.
Bold move on moving away from family and taking control life. Congrats!!!!!